Hello all...first, let me begin by thanking you for being such awesome blog followers. I know I've been MIA for the past few months, and for those of you who know me, well, I think you understand : )
As we enter a new year I am embracing change. This is a new season of my life and I'm welcoming it with open arms. I am focused on being the very best I can be...for myself, my children, my friends, and for my company. Sure, the fear of the unknown creeps up on me every now and then, but I'm confident I'll figure it out.
I plan to launch a new blog sooner than later...but thought an update was overdue.
I want to wish all of you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year...here is my inspiration for 2012...
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
you are my sunshine
Our sweet little Kennedy recently celebrated the big T-W-O and in lieu of her nonexistent (a.k.a. slacker mom) first birthday party, I thought a proper celebration was overdue. The very first lullaby I ever sang to her was "You Are My Sunshine", so when I stumbled upon this party theme it was love at first sight.
With an August birthday it seemed fitting to host the party at our neighborhood pool pavilion. The space was absolutely perfect- picnic tables, a rustic stone fireplace, ceiling fans to keep the air moving, and best of all, a pool.
Now...for the details...here we go!
Any great party begins with a fabulous invitation...after all, you're setting the tone for the event, so it better be great! I fell in love with this one right away- thank you to loralangdesigns for helping me create the perfect "You Are My Sunshine" invitations!
This picture doesn't do them justice but you get the idea : )
We welcomed our guests with the infamous chalkboard easel...this thing really comes in handy!
(Even Elizabeth helped with the sign...can you tell?)
I borrowed this chalkboard from my friend Kristy- it looked so sweet on the table!
Somehow I managed to keep this party really simple...think hot dogs, hamburgers, chips, and fruit.
You can't have a sunshine themed birthday party without sunflowers! I used small galvanized pails as our table centerpieces and filled them each with a bushel of sunflowers. As a finishing touch, each bucket received a small bouquet of balloons (one yellow, one white, and one gray). Perfect!
It was kind of hard to get a good picture of the entire space...but you get the idea : )
loralangdesigns also created a matching banner that coordinated with our invitations...all I had to do was print and assemble. Thank you Kristy and Amanda for solving my banner-hanging challenge : )
This ribbon plate is one of my all-time favorite purchases. It makes a great decoration for just about any celebration. I love being able to change the ribbon and the message on the plate- so fun!
Just like the invitations, the party favors are a huge deal to me! I love putting the finishing touches on a great party with a fabulous favor. I packaged lemonhead candies in cellophane cones, tied together with yellow ribbon and a favor tag.
I also created a party play list CD with all songs "Sunshine". The CD played during the party and each guest took one home. And of course, no sunshine party is complete without sunglasses! The kids loved these!
I snagged this vintage tea cart last year at an antique store (once again...thank you Kristy, my favorite shopping partner in crime!). This served as our "lemonade stand". Notice the chalkboard detail on the yellow cups- I couldn't believe it when I found these...now that's what I call perfect!
Last but certainly not least, I have recently become obsessed with over-the-top birthday cakes. My friend Lori makes the most incredible cakes and her creative talent is amazing! She and I worked together to come up with this concept...I just love how this turned out!
Best of all...the cake was DELICIOUS! It seemed almost sinful to slice up this beautiful masterpiece, but after a bite (or two...or three...or ten...) you kinda don't care : )
Throughout the party the kids had a blast in the pool- it was a perfect day for a pool party!
The birthday girl herself had zero interest in swimming...all she really wanted to do was play in the ice bucket. Hey, whatever floats your boat, kid. It's your day, you can do whatever you want!
But yes, I'm gonna make you take at least one picture with me!
Happy birthday my sweet little one...you are my SUNSHINE!
Friday, August 5, 2011
Favorite Fridays: Firsts
You know the saying...there's a first time for everything. Whether it be good or bad, happy or sad, lovely or a full blown train wreck...it's true. Having a first is inevitable.
Today is my daughter's first day of preschool. Under normal circumstances I wouldn't be caught up in this, however, this particular school is also where she will most likely attend Kindergarten. So in essence, today might as well be Elizabeth's first day of Kindergarten.
I am totally prepared for a morning filled with butterflies, tears, and flash photography. It's okay. I'll breakdown, have a little moment, and get on with the day. After all, I still have a baby at home.
Or not.
You see, this week I've already experienced a first. My so called "baby" recently made the brave and daring decision to jump ship from her crib. After careful investigation my husband and I agreed- it was time for a bed. Within a few hours the crib was moved, disassembled, and tucked away neatly in the attic...just like that. As if it never existed.
I stood in the doorway, watching my sweet little girl cuddle into her toddler bed, and fought back the tears. This was the first night my baby slept in a bed. Feelings of loveliness and train wreck bombarded my heart, all at the same time. Watching her grow is a beautiful blessing, but it doesn't make it any easier on the heart. It almost made me want to have another baby (key word...almost).
In an effort to embrace the first day of school and the first days of my baby's toddlerhood, I've come to realize something important. If we avoid those "firsts" we can never move on. If we stay where we are and continue to do the same things every day, we will never realize our full potential. And although some firsts might be painful (think first love, followed by first heartbreak)... I'm confident these experiences will lead me to somewhere even better. I want my children to embrace change, challenge themselves, and trust that no matter how old they are (or how heartbroken), they will be just fine. There's a first time for everything.
So instead of running away or dreading these firsts, I'm taking the bull by the horns and hanging on tight. This journey we call life is quite a wild ride.
Today is my daughter's first day of preschool. Under normal circumstances I wouldn't be caught up in this, however, this particular school is also where she will most likely attend Kindergarten. So in essence, today might as well be Elizabeth's first day of Kindergarten.
I am totally prepared for a morning filled with butterflies, tears, and flash photography. It's okay. I'll breakdown, have a little moment, and get on with the day. After all, I still have a baby at home.
Or not.
You see, this week I've already experienced a first. My so called "baby" recently made the brave and daring decision to jump ship from her crib. After careful investigation my husband and I agreed- it was time for a bed. Within a few hours the crib was moved, disassembled, and tucked away neatly in the attic...just like that. As if it never existed.
I stood in the doorway, watching my sweet little girl cuddle into her toddler bed, and fought back the tears. This was the first night my baby slept in a bed. Feelings of loveliness and train wreck bombarded my heart, all at the same time. Watching her grow is a beautiful blessing, but it doesn't make it any easier on the heart. It almost made me want to have another baby (key word...almost).
In an effort to embrace the first day of school and the first days of my baby's toddlerhood, I've come to realize something important. If we avoid those "firsts" we can never move on. If we stay where we are and continue to do the same things every day, we will never realize our full potential. And although some firsts might be painful (think first love, followed by first heartbreak)... I'm confident these experiences will lead me to somewhere even better. I want my children to embrace change, challenge themselves, and trust that no matter how old they are (or how heartbroken), they will be just fine. There's a first time for everything.
So instead of running away or dreading these firsts, I'm taking the bull by the horns and hanging on tight. This journey we call life is quite a wild ride.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Favorite Fridays: Got Sprinkles?
I've never met a person who doesn't like ice cream. Ice cream is one of those go-to desserts that you know will make everyone happy. Pumpkin pie? No thanks. Tiramisu? Pass. Cheesecake? Tempting...but it's not ice cream. Give me an ice cream cone with chocolate sprinkles (yes, I said sprinkles...preferably the chocolate kind), and I'm a happy girl.
You see, grown ups have given up the sprinkles...and I'm here to tell you, you guys are missin' out. The next time you're in ColdStone or Brewsters take a look around- how many adults do you see ordering their ice cream with sprinkles? None. On the flip side, almost every single kid in the place will have their cone or cup drowning in either rainbow or chocolate sprinkles.
People think I'm crazy- my husband just laughs. But the first thing I look for at an ice cream joint is confirmation of chocolate sprinkles. Some people scan the topping bar in search of Reese's or cookie dough...not me : )
I'm gonna go out on a limb and make the assumption that men don't order sprinkles in an effort to maintain their manhood. It's not every day you see a tall, dark, handsome dude enjoying an ice cream cone with sprinkles. Too bad for him.
If you're a sprinkle lover like me then you're aware of the magical sprinkle power. Sprinkles make everything better. Ice cream, cupcakes, cookies, whatever. Chocolate coated waffle cones with sprinkles are definitely a little piece of heaven.
I realize I have just dedicated an entire blog post to sprinkles. But it's okay. They're my favorite.
You see, grown ups have given up the sprinkles...and I'm here to tell you, you guys are missin' out. The next time you're in ColdStone or Brewsters take a look around- how many adults do you see ordering their ice cream with sprinkles? None. On the flip side, almost every single kid in the place will have their cone or cup drowning in either rainbow or chocolate sprinkles.
People think I'm crazy- my husband just laughs. But the first thing I look for at an ice cream joint is confirmation of chocolate sprinkles. Some people scan the topping bar in search of Reese's or cookie dough...not me : )
I'm gonna go out on a limb and make the assumption that men don't order sprinkles in an effort to maintain their manhood. It's not every day you see a tall, dark, handsome dude enjoying an ice cream cone with sprinkles. Too bad for him.
If you're a sprinkle lover like me then you're aware of the magical sprinkle power. Sprinkles make everything better. Ice cream, cupcakes, cookies, whatever. Chocolate coated waffle cones with sprinkles are definitely a little piece of heaven.
I realize I have just dedicated an entire blog post to sprinkles. But it's okay. They're my favorite.
Monday, July 25, 2011
The Pink Bubble
I've been floating around in a pink bubble for the past week, and it's been absolutely divine. Every July Mary Kay hosts their annual Seminar Conference in Dallas, Texas. I've been lucky enough to attend this event for several years, and it just keeps getting better.
Although I am not "in Mary Kay", I do own a company that provides services for Mary Kay Sales Directors (ya know...those Pink Cadillac driving beauties!). My friend Dacia happens to be among the elite, ranking as a top tiered National Sales Director (#5 in Emerald Division to be exact...AMAZING!) She is the epitome of a Mary Kay Rock Star. What I love most about this girl is her ability to motivate and inspire others, and in turn these women continue to pass it on.
Seminar is a time where everyone comes together for motivation, inspiration, and best of all, recognition (hello, DIAMONDS!) Being able to celebrate my clients, cheer them on, and spend a little quality time with friends is just what I needed. Besides, it was the perfect excuse to throw on a little more lipstick than usual, bling out with some sparkles, and wear a killer black dress (or two). What more could a girl possibly ask for?
It's Monday morning and although my to-do list is a mile long I know one thing for sure...I'm gonna bask in the haze of the pink bubble for as long as I can. I think these girls are on to something.
Although I am not "in Mary Kay", I do own a company that provides services for Mary Kay Sales Directors (ya know...those Pink Cadillac driving beauties!). My friend Dacia happens to be among the elite, ranking as a top tiered National Sales Director (#5 in Emerald Division to be exact...AMAZING!) She is the epitome of a Mary Kay Rock Star. What I love most about this girl is her ability to motivate and inspire others, and in turn these women continue to pass it on.
Seminar is a time where everyone comes together for motivation, inspiration, and best of all, recognition (hello, DIAMONDS!) Being able to celebrate my clients, cheer them on, and spend a little quality time with friends is just what I needed. Besides, it was the perfect excuse to throw on a little more lipstick than usual, bling out with some sparkles, and wear a killer black dress (or two). What more could a girl possibly ask for?
It's Monday morning and although my to-do list is a mile long I know one thing for sure...I'm gonna bask in the haze of the pink bubble for as long as I can. I think these girls are on to something.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Favorite Fridays: Kaylie
Today is the day. It's really here. My amazing assistant of 5 years is moving on to bigger and better things, following her dreams and conquering the world of High School Spanish classes.
Kaylie has been a part of my life for so long, I can't even begin to think of how things will be without her. When I interviewed her I had just found out I was pregnant, and I could barely remember anything...not to mention keep my breakfast down. Within a few weeks she was finishing my sentences, and delivering Coke products on an as-needed basis. Kaylie was here the day we brought our first baby home from the hospital...she witnessed all of the newborn madness, from breastfeeding to pumping to changing diapers and walking around the house like a zombie, Kaylie was there.
Kaylie was our very first babysitter. I will never forget the night my husband called her and begged her to come rescue us. Within an hour she was pushing us out the door, assuring us everything would be fine. She was right.
I could go on and on for days about how amazing she has been, not only to me, but to my company, and also to my family...here come the tears. She will always be a part of us, and I know I will always be able to count on her. It's not every day you meet someone like her. Someone who will drop what they're doing to come and help you, or put in the effort to make something GREAT, not just good.
She has become more than just an employee to me, she is truly a friend, and I will treasure her forever.
So I dedicate this Favorite Friday post to my favorite assistant, friend, confidant and cheerleader (not to mention my brain on several occasions). Thank you for FIVE amazing years- we have been through so much together and I am so incredibly proud of you. Thank you for my endless checklists, organized computer files and an office full of memories...I am forever grateful to you.
Kaylie has been a part of my life for so long, I can't even begin to think of how things will be without her. When I interviewed her I had just found out I was pregnant, and I could barely remember anything...not to mention keep my breakfast down. Within a few weeks she was finishing my sentences, and delivering Coke products on an as-needed basis. Kaylie was here the day we brought our first baby home from the hospital...she witnessed all of the newborn madness, from breastfeeding to pumping to changing diapers and walking around the house like a zombie, Kaylie was there.
Kaylie was our very first babysitter. I will never forget the night my husband called her and begged her to come rescue us. Within an hour she was pushing us out the door, assuring us everything would be fine. She was right.
I could go on and on for days about how amazing she has been, not only to me, but to my company, and also to my family...here come the tears. She will always be a part of us, and I know I will always be able to count on her. It's not every day you meet someone like her. Someone who will drop what they're doing to come and help you, or put in the effort to make something GREAT, not just good.
She has become more than just an employee to me, she is truly a friend, and I will treasure her forever.
So I dedicate this Favorite Friday post to my favorite assistant, friend, confidant and cheerleader (not to mention my brain on several occasions). Thank you for FIVE amazing years- we have been through so much together and I am so incredibly proud of you. Thank you for my endless checklists, organized computer files and an office full of memories...I am forever grateful to you.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
25 Things You Don't Know About Me (or maybe you do?)
During a random cleaning binge last week I stumbled upon a pile of old magazines. Blog inspiration hit while flipping through an outdated issue of US Weekly Magazine.
25 Things You Don't Know About Me: Paris Hilton
Sure, I'm not Paris Hilton. And I doubt the masses will really care much about what I have to say. But for those of you who want a little window into the real me, here we go.
- I grew up in a small fishing town just outside of Boston (Gloucester, MA). It's the home of Gorton's Fish Sticks. The book/movie "The Perfect Storm" was based on the true story of real Gloucester Fishermen. The movie was also filmed there.
- I used to be a tomboy. Big time. In 5th grade I was the pitcher for an all-boys little league team
- My favorite food is pizza.
- I love to make lists...I write every little thing down, just so I can scratch it off the list. It makes me feel accomplished.
- Singing and performing on a stage is one of my favorite things to do. Ever.
- I never knew how much I could love someone until I had a baby. And then I had another one.
- I am an obsessive compulsive flosser. My dentist loves me.
- I enjoy reading books but I never finish them. It doesn't matter how far into it I get, I never ever finish a book.
- Frogs totally freak me out. I will do anything and everything to avoid an encounter with a frog.
- I used to be an elementary school teacher. My colleagues and students taught me so much- I am forever grateful.
- Skydiving in New Zealand (or somewhere comparable) is on my bucket list.
- I auditioned for the Mickey Mouse Club and didn't make the cut (obviously). My friend A.J. McClean did, though. (Yes, the AJ McClean from the Backstreet Boys).
- I have a slight celebrity obsession with Britney Spears. I'm pretty sure she stole what should have been my spot on the Mickey Mouse Club. One day she and I will discuss this : )
- I never drank coffee until I had kids. Now I can't wake up without it.
- I love to ski- especially spring skiing in Utah.
- The sound of the ocean puts me to sleep. I especially love hearing waves hit the side of a boat at night.
- My favorite shoes are flip flops. And I never leave the house without sunglasses.
- Being creative and thoughtful when choosing a gift for someone makes me happy. I never just buy something for someone just to buy it. There's always a reason behind it.
- Photography fascinates me. A good picture of a treasured memory is priceless.
- One day I would love to write a book. Lord knows I have plenty of stories to tell.
- I used to be a competitive swimmer.
- The Money Pit is one of my all-time favorite movies.
- I absolutely despise pink powdered soap. If this is the only option for washing my hands in a public place, I will take my chances.
- I'm a lefty, I love any and every shade of blue, and ice cream is a weakness
- I absolutely love surprises...but only the good kind : )
Friday, July 1, 2011
Favorite Fridays: The Extra Mile
As you all know I am definitely one of the most inconsistent bloggers in the blogosphere. But rest assured that no matter what, I will eventually resurface with a post. This time it happened to take a month...but today I'm back : )
As a wife, mother, teacher, volunteer and business owner, I have collected various "secrets of success" over the years. I think one of the greatest lessons I've learned is the value of going the extra mile. It really doesn't matter what you do, but taking the time and making the effort is what makes good GREAT.
I am abundantly blessed to be surrounded with people who continuously go the extra mile. I watch my clients achieve excellence, breaking records and belief barriers...all because they've gone the extra mile. I see mothers go the extra mile with their families- sacrificing personal wants and needs for the benefit of their children. Teachers, who stay past the last bell rings, to sit with a student and explain the lesson...for the 5th time.
And let's not forget those friends who go the extra mile. You know who they are. Not only do they send you a happy birthday text message, but they take the time to call you, or better yet, send you a card a few days in advance. Instead of talking about themselves, they ask about you.
In my business I do what I can to accommodate special requests, even if it means I work a little later, or profit a little less. And because I do this for others, I am blessed in return. I have also been lucky enough to work with people who return the favor. Just last week my rock star accountant took the time to write out step by step instructions for my assistant in linking QuickBooks to my business accounts and credit cards. Blah blah blah. This is Chinese to me. Sure, he could have invoiced me for his time, or sent me to an online tutorial, but instead he went the extra mile. This is what makes him a rock star (looking for a good one? Let me know...if you're lucky I might share him with you =)! ).
This post isn't intended as a business plug, or a special shout out to friends, but rather a gentle reminder that going the extra mile, in whatever you do, really makes a difference. Don't be good. Be GREAT. This is my mantra...at least for today.
As a wife, mother, teacher, volunteer and business owner, I have collected various "secrets of success" over the years. I think one of the greatest lessons I've learned is the value of going the extra mile. It really doesn't matter what you do, but taking the time and making the effort is what makes good GREAT.
I am abundantly blessed to be surrounded with people who continuously go the extra mile. I watch my clients achieve excellence, breaking records and belief barriers...all because they've gone the extra mile. I see mothers go the extra mile with their families- sacrificing personal wants and needs for the benefit of their children. Teachers, who stay past the last bell rings, to sit with a student and explain the lesson...for the 5th time.
And let's not forget those friends who go the extra mile. You know who they are. Not only do they send you a happy birthday text message, but they take the time to call you, or better yet, send you a card a few days in advance. Instead of talking about themselves, they ask about you.
In my business I do what I can to accommodate special requests, even if it means I work a little later, or profit a little less. And because I do this for others, I am blessed in return. I have also been lucky enough to work with people who return the favor. Just last week my rock star accountant took the time to write out step by step instructions for my assistant in linking QuickBooks to my business accounts and credit cards. Blah blah blah. This is Chinese to me. Sure, he could have invoiced me for his time, or sent me to an online tutorial, but instead he went the extra mile. This is what makes him a rock star (looking for a good one? Let me know...if you're lucky I might share him with you =)! ).
This post isn't intended as a business plug, or a special shout out to friends, but rather a gentle reminder that going the extra mile, in whatever you do, really makes a difference. Don't be good. Be GREAT. This is my mantra...at least for today.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Friday Favorite: Summertime
As soon as I decided to dedicate each Friday's post to a favorite thing, I knew this would be a routine I could stick to. Finding things I love is easy. I'm surrounded by them.
Of course, this is only my second Favorite Friday post, and I've gotta admit...this week there were several front runners. Then it hit me. All of my favorite ideas for this week had one common theme: Summertime.
When I think of summer so many favorite memories come flooding back to me. Warm sunshine and the smell of sunscreen. Popsicles and ice cream cones. Campfires, canoes and sleeping bags. Beach chairs, flip flops, sand-filled bathing suits. Hotdogs and hamburgers cooking on the grill. Friends, family, sleepovers and movie nights. Falling asleep the second your head hits the pillow, just because you're that tired.
While scrolling through my iphone pics, I came across a few from last summer. I can't believe how much my girls have grown and changed this year.
Of course, this is only my second Favorite Friday post, and I've gotta admit...this week there were several front runners. Then it hit me. All of my favorite ideas for this week had one common theme: Summertime.
When I think of summer so many favorite memories come flooding back to me. Warm sunshine and the smell of sunscreen. Popsicles and ice cream cones. Campfires, canoes and sleeping bags. Beach chairs, flip flops, sand-filled bathing suits. Hotdogs and hamburgers cooking on the grill. Friends, family, sleepovers and movie nights. Falling asleep the second your head hits the pillow, just because you're that tired.
While scrolling through my iphone pics, I came across a few from last summer. I can't believe how much my girls have grown and changed this year.
backyard swimming...redneck style
poolside glamour...sporting the chubby leg rolls!
there's nothing like a good old fashioned ice cream cone with sprinkles
By creating these experiences and memories for my children, I'm able to relive them myself. So if we go to bed a little late or swap our turkey sandwiches for popsicles, it's gonna be okay. After all, they don't call it sweet summertime for nothin'. Definitely one of my favorites.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Favorite Fridays
Hello gang...well, it's Friday again and I am excited to write my first "Favorite Friday" blog post. I'm totally ripping this idea off from a friend, but we all know imitation is the finest form of flattery.
So here we go---in my finest "Oprah's favorite things" voice...my very first Favorite Friday post is dedicated to the one and only...
So here we go---in my finest "Oprah's favorite things" voice...my very first Favorite Friday post is dedicated to the one and only...
Hello, gorgeous...
I do believe this is love at first sight...
I walked into the Apple store last week on a whim, and walked out with this beautiful display of perfection. From the minute I stepped foot on the sales floor I knew I was doomed. My poor bank account just didn't stand a chance. It was almost as if the skies opened up, and for a brief second I could hear angels singing.
I checked in at the front of the store, and was then released to play with the gadgets. After breathing the apple air for a few minutes, I was greeted by a super cool geek (oxymoron, for sure, but he was actually kinda cool). Thirty minutes later I was congratulated with a wild round of applause, followed by the presentation of a gorgeous white box. From there, I was redirected to the registration station and welcomed by a team of geeks. "Mac virgin" was the term they had given me...and this was, in essence, my wedding night.
It was pretty fabulous, I'm not gonna lie. There were a few other "virgins" at the table and together we celebrated in our newfound mac glory. All it took were a few clicks, downloads, and I was on my way home.
It's been a week since I brought her home, and I must say, she is simply fabulous. I know she's got a lot of tricks up her sleeve, but like all marriages, it takes time to figure each other out ; )
So there you have it...my very first favorite Friday post. If you're reading this from your mac, then I know you get it. If not, well, it's time to make a trip to the Apple store.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Class of 2011
Many of you know I used to be an elementary school teacher. During my first year in the classroom I fell in love with a group of seven year-olds and vowed I had found my lifelong calling as a second grade teacher.
After a year of second grade bliss our Principal came to me with a proposal. She asked me if I would give fifth grade a shot for the following year, and if I hated it, I could have my second grade classroom back. I'm always up for a challenge, so I took her up on her offer.
I would be lying if I said it were easy. It wasn't. But there's a saying in life about a silver lining...and, well, with that fifth grade class I certainly found the silver lining in the form of a few really great kids.
These kids and their families have truly made a difference in my life. Over the years they have participated in my wedding (my 5th grade room mom even caught my bouquet!), showered me with baby gifts, and remained in touch with me (gotta love Facebook).
Here's the kicker. These kids are not kids anymore. In fact, they are High School Seniors...preparing to graduate and head off to college.
I fought back tears of joy when I received this beautiful announcement in the mail:
Corey and I attended their graduation party on Saturday and all I have to say is WOW. I am so proud of you- Ellie, Jake, Mackensie, and all of my other former students! You have made this [former] fifth grade teacher super proud : )
After a year of second grade bliss our Principal came to me with a proposal. She asked me if I would give fifth grade a shot for the following year, and if I hated it, I could have my second grade classroom back. I'm always up for a challenge, so I took her up on her offer.
I would be lying if I said it were easy. It wasn't. But there's a saying in life about a silver lining...and, well, with that fifth grade class I certainly found the silver lining in the form of a few really great kids.
These kids and their families have truly made a difference in my life. Over the years they have participated in my wedding (my 5th grade room mom even caught my bouquet!), showered me with baby gifts, and remained in touch with me (gotta love Facebook).
Here's the kicker. These kids are not kids anymore. In fact, they are High School Seniors...preparing to graduate and head off to college.
I fought back tears of joy when I received this beautiful announcement in the mail:
Corey and I attended their graduation party on Saturday and all I have to say is WOW. I am so proud of you- Ellie, Jake, Mackensie, and all of my other former students! You have made this [former] fifth grade teacher super proud : )
Monday, May 16, 2011
among the darkness there is light
This past week has been pretty tough. If I could sugar coat it I would- but that would be nearly impossible. It began with the sad news of my husband's grandmother (Me-Maw) passing away early Tuesday morning. She had lived a great life, and of course we rest in the comfort of knowing she is in Heaven with her husband and her daughter (Corey's mom). Still, there is pain associated with losing a loved one, no matter how old they are or how much better off they are in Heaven than on Earth.
The day after Me-Maw's passing, we received a frantic call from a family friend. Their 5 year old daughter had fallen 6 feet from an indoor play structure and landed on concrete. With news of a fractured skull and brain hemorrhaging, we went into panic mode. For 48 hours we prayed as a family, on our knees, for this little girl. Thankfully, she is at home now, resting and recovering in her own bed. The fear I felt for her (not to mention her parents) was so very real. I praise God knowing he is working to heal this sweet friend of ours, and we are so thankful she will make a full recovery.
As we rejoiced in the news of Caroline's release from the hospital, I received a message from a friend's husband stating they had lost their baby girl (she was 28 weeks pregnant). Although her pregnancy was high risk, things were looking good and we had high hopes for this child. My heart was broken to learn of this news, especially thinking of her as she was being induced to delivery this baby. Rebecca Reese Martin was born on Sunday May 15, 2011. She was baptized shortly after delivery and will be laid to rest next to her great grandfather. I gave up on holding in my tears yesterday- it was just impossible.Tears are streaming down my face even as I write this post.
Throughout this week of "darkness", I must look up to our Heavenly Father and remember that even though sometimes we don't understand WHY, we have to trust in HIM. And that yes, there are times of darkness in our lives, but among the darkness there is always light. This light may be a tiny flame, or a blazing sunset. Either way we must believe that all things do come from our Creator, and allow His light to shine, no matter how big or small.
I came across this image this morning, and wanted to share it with you. It reminded me that among the rocks and crashing waves we experience in life, His light continues to shine on us.
I am embracing the light today and hoping for a better week ahead.
May God's grace and light shine on YOU today : )
*To read more about Rebecca Reese's story, visit her mommy's blog http://incuteshoes.blogspot.com
The day after Me-Maw's passing, we received a frantic call from a family friend. Their 5 year old daughter had fallen 6 feet from an indoor play structure and landed on concrete. With news of a fractured skull and brain hemorrhaging, we went into panic mode. For 48 hours we prayed as a family, on our knees, for this little girl. Thankfully, she is at home now, resting and recovering in her own bed. The fear I felt for her (not to mention her parents) was so very real. I praise God knowing he is working to heal this sweet friend of ours, and we are so thankful she will make a full recovery.
As we rejoiced in the news of Caroline's release from the hospital, I received a message from a friend's husband stating they had lost their baby girl (she was 28 weeks pregnant). Although her pregnancy was high risk, things were looking good and we had high hopes for this child. My heart was broken to learn of this news, especially thinking of her as she was being induced to delivery this baby. Rebecca Reese Martin was born on Sunday May 15, 2011. She was baptized shortly after delivery and will be laid to rest next to her great grandfather. I gave up on holding in my tears yesterday- it was just impossible.Tears are streaming down my face even as I write this post.
Throughout this week of "darkness", I must look up to our Heavenly Father and remember that even though sometimes we don't understand WHY, we have to trust in HIM. And that yes, there are times of darkness in our lives, but among the darkness there is always light. This light may be a tiny flame, or a blazing sunset. Either way we must believe that all things do come from our Creator, and allow His light to shine, no matter how big or small.
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photographer unknown (could not find the source!) |
I am embracing the light today and hoping for a better week ahead.
May God's grace and light shine on YOU today : )
*To read more about Rebecca Reese's story, visit her mommy's blog http://incuteshoes.blogspot.com
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
hung up on...me
Based on my lack of consistency in regards to blog posting, one might think I'm not that interested. Quite the contrary, in fact. I absolutely love writing in my blog. Unfortunately, at this time it's not exactly an income producing activity. So although my posts are here and there, I hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoy writing.
I realize a personal blog doesn't have to be a huge time commitment, after all, why can't I just sit down for a few minutes and share a story from my day? It's not that big of a deal. Just do it already. After all, I have so much to say : )
I know exactly what my problem is. I am hung up on...wait for it...myself.
Shocking? Hardly. I know I'm not alone when I say this, but I am my biggest critic. My own personal criticisms shut me down, and far too often I start writing a post and get stuck after the first few sentences. Clever, well-thought stories or anecdotes come into my head as quickly as they pop out. Perhaps it's because I'm not trained in the formal task of writing, or perhaps it's just me. Getting in the way.
When I started this blog I set the standard high for myself. No whining posts about my kids, husband or job. No boring updates on how life's been treating me. And no random posts just because I promised myself I would write 4 times a week.
What I've realized is this: If I want to whine for a paragraph or two about my kids or share a totally random thought of the day I'm just going to suck it up and write it.
After all, it's my blog. I can write whatever I want.
I realize a personal blog doesn't have to be a huge time commitment, after all, why can't I just sit down for a few minutes and share a story from my day? It's not that big of a deal. Just do it already. After all, I have so much to say : )
I know exactly what my problem is. I am hung up on...wait for it...myself.
Shocking? Hardly. I know I'm not alone when I say this, but I am my biggest critic. My own personal criticisms shut me down, and far too often I start writing a post and get stuck after the first few sentences. Clever, well-thought stories or anecdotes come into my head as quickly as they pop out. Perhaps it's because I'm not trained in the formal task of writing, or perhaps it's just me. Getting in the way.
When I started this blog I set the standard high for myself. No whining posts about my kids, husband or job. No boring updates on how life's been treating me. And no random posts just because I promised myself I would write 4 times a week.
What I've realized is this: If I want to whine for a paragraph or two about my kids or share a totally random thought of the day I'm just going to suck it up and write it.
After all, it's my blog. I can write whatever I want.
Monday, April 25, 2011
no denying it...party planning madness
If you haven't figured it out by now I am totally obsessed with parties. Parties, special events, anything fun that can incorporate paper products and special details...sign me up. I honestly have no idea where this passion comes from, and I can't exactly pinpoint when it started. I'm pretty sure I was bit by the wedding planning bug and have never quite recovered.
Which leads me to my most recent party planning experience...my daughter's 4th Birthday. It all started with an innocent cupcake, which led to a blog post, which led to blog surfing, and then photography websites, and Etsy shops, and so on and so forth. Our original cupcake party evolved over time, eventually blossoming into a Sweet Shoppe theme. From there, I became head over heels for candy buffets, favor ideas, invitation designs, and party details. It was a snowball effect that resulted into one of my most favorite memories ever. If you are the kind of person who believes a birthday party for a child under the age of 5 is strictly for the child then put your mouse away and stop reading. Seriously, this blog post is not for you. No offense taken, I promise : )
Of course I want my child to participate and share her input when planning her birthday party. After all, the celebration is for her, right? For the record, I incorporated several of her "favorite things" into this party, not to mention PINK. Everywhere. And glitter. And, well, you get the drift.
In a nutshell, I channeled my creative juices into planning this party for almost 3 months. Some people might cringe when they hear that, but for me it was therapeutic and fun. We all need an outlet, and for me this party served it's purpose.
After blog surfing for 3 months I knew one thing for sure. If I was going to put a ridiculous amount of time and energy planning this party, I wanted the pictures to prove it. My iPhone pics are fine for lunch trips to Chik-fil-A, but definitely not party worthy.
Instead, I hired a photographer as a finishing touch. I had never done this before, and honestly, I don't think I will ever have another party without one! I have to give a special shout out to our long-time family photographer Melissa Prosser for connecting me with Lauren Necko for the day! I called Lauren the day before our party and lucky for me, she was available. Immediately there was a weight lifted off my shoulders.
To know that each detail was being documented and captured, just as I envisioned (and not blurry with my point-and-shoot), made the effort worthwhile. When Elizabeth turns 25 I will be able to look back at these pictures and remember this special day, just as I had planned. Thank you, Lauren, for being a special part of our day!
I haven't seen all of our images yet, but thought I would share a sneak peek with you...
More to come this week...I promise!
Which leads me to my most recent party planning experience...my daughter's 4th Birthday. It all started with an innocent cupcake, which led to a blog post, which led to blog surfing, and then photography websites, and Etsy shops, and so on and so forth. Our original cupcake party evolved over time, eventually blossoming into a Sweet Shoppe theme. From there, I became head over heels for candy buffets, favor ideas, invitation designs, and party details. It was a snowball effect that resulted into one of my most favorite memories ever. If you are the kind of person who believes a birthday party for a child under the age of 5 is strictly for the child then put your mouse away and stop reading. Seriously, this blog post is not for you. No offense taken, I promise : )
Of course I want my child to participate and share her input when planning her birthday party. After all, the celebration is for her, right? For the record, I incorporated several of her "favorite things" into this party, not to mention PINK. Everywhere. And glitter. And, well, you get the drift.
In a nutshell, I channeled my creative juices into planning this party for almost 3 months. Some people might cringe when they hear that, but for me it was therapeutic and fun. We all need an outlet, and for me this party served it's purpose.
After blog surfing for 3 months I knew one thing for sure. If I was going to put a ridiculous amount of time and energy planning this party, I wanted the pictures to prove it. My iPhone pics are fine for lunch trips to Chik-fil-A, but definitely not party worthy.
Instead, I hired a photographer as a finishing touch. I had never done this before, and honestly, I don't think I will ever have another party without one! I have to give a special shout out to our long-time family photographer Melissa Prosser for connecting me with Lauren Necko for the day! I called Lauren the day before our party and lucky for me, she was available. Immediately there was a weight lifted off my shoulders.
To know that each detail was being documented and captured, just as I envisioned (and not blurry with my point-and-shoot), made the effort worthwhile. When Elizabeth turns 25 I will be able to look back at these pictures and remember this special day, just as I had planned. Thank you, Lauren, for being a special part of our day!
I haven't seen all of our images yet, but thought I would share a sneak peek with you...
More to come this week...I promise!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
hot mess
On Saturday my sweet baby Elizabeth turned 4. FOUR. To think, just four years ago I was home with a newborn, completely clueless. I had no idea how to change a diaper or what to do when she cried. I was hardly an attractive sight decked out in yoga pants and nursing tank tops, covered from head to toe in spit up. With a permanent ponytail I somehow thought my roots would hide (ummm...they didn't), and I completely swore off any personal grooming that may have been viewed as inconvenient. I believe the term is "hot mess."
Yep, that was me. I fell into the trap I swore I would never get close to. I will never forget the day my friend Allison showed up unexpected on my doorstep.
Ahhh, good old Allison. She was my young, blonde, super adorable, super cute, super fun friend. She pulled into my driveway with the music blaring and the convertible top down. Her curls bounced as she walked up to the door and her outfit was downright slammin'. This girl had it goin on. And here I was in my sweatpants, covered in baby puke. A not-so-hot mess.
When I opened the door her jaw dropped. I knew it. I had let her down. We had talked about this...how we agreed to never let this "hot mess" thing take over. We vowed to always be cute and put together, and to never, ever, ever let our true hair color shine through. I was the deal breaker.
My initial instinct was to run like Forrest Gump and leave her alone with my baby for the day. Surely her fishnets would not survive an hour with my kid, let alone that gorgeous hair of hers. She didn't stand a chance, especially with it being so long. I don't care what you say, a baby will find a way to get spit up on your back. It's a proven fact.
The only thing that kept me from running that day was the Chinese take-out she had in one hand, and the gallon of chocolate ice cream she had in the other. Now if that isn't a good friend, I don't know what is.
We spent the afternoon together and she forced me out of my sweatpants. She hijacked my cell phone, called my hairdresser, and emailed my husband to let him know he would be babysitting on Saturday...my roots just couldn't go another week. Best of all, she made me feel like me again.
It's amazing how things have changed in just four short years.Now that I'm back to normal, my dear friend Allison is expecting her first baby. I can't wait to strut my stuff, armed with chicken lo mein and mint chocolate chip. At least if she runs I'll be prepared.
Yep, that was me. I fell into the trap I swore I would never get close to. I will never forget the day my friend Allison showed up unexpected on my doorstep.
Ahhh, good old Allison. She was my young, blonde, super adorable, super cute, super fun friend. She pulled into my driveway with the music blaring and the convertible top down. Her curls bounced as she walked up to the door and her outfit was downright slammin'. This girl had it goin on. And here I was in my sweatpants, covered in baby puke. A not-so-hot mess.
When I opened the door her jaw dropped. I knew it. I had let her down. We had talked about this...how we agreed to never let this "hot mess" thing take over. We vowed to always be cute and put together, and to never, ever, ever let our true hair color shine through. I was the deal breaker.
My initial instinct was to run like Forrest Gump and leave her alone with my baby for the day. Surely her fishnets would not survive an hour with my kid, let alone that gorgeous hair of hers. She didn't stand a chance, especially with it being so long. I don't care what you say, a baby will find a way to get spit up on your back. It's a proven fact.
The only thing that kept me from running that day was the Chinese take-out she had in one hand, and the gallon of chocolate ice cream she had in the other. Now if that isn't a good friend, I don't know what is.
We spent the afternoon together and she forced me out of my sweatpants. She hijacked my cell phone, called my hairdresser, and emailed my husband to let him know he would be babysitting on Saturday...my roots just couldn't go another week. Best of all, she made me feel like me again.
It's amazing how things have changed in just four short years.Now that I'm back to normal, my dear friend Allison is expecting her first baby. I can't wait to strut my stuff, armed with chicken lo mein and mint chocolate chip. At least if she runs I'll be prepared.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Hi, my name is Holiday and I'm a cardiganaholic. At the moment my trusty little spell check device is alarming me with red underlines, but I'm totally ignoring them. This wardrobe addiction has kind of snuck up on me, but thanks to a friends' intervention I can proudly say I'm on the road to recovery.
It all started last week. I was on a mission for a baby shower outfit and figured a quick stop into Ann Taylor would do the trick. Six hours later I found myself driving home with quite a collection of, you guessed it, cardigans. To make matters worse, I didn't even realize the redundancy of my purchases until I stopped at my girlfriend's house to show her the goods. And there they were. Spread on the back of her couch in all of their glory...five cardigans. FIVE. Just like the scale, this couch wasn't lying.
Perhaps you're thinking I bought five very different cardigans...you know, varied styles or fabrics, colors or what have you. Ummm...no, not so much. My friend looked me dead in the eye and brought this to my attention. I bought 2 white cardigans, 2 blue cardigans (almost matching shades), and 1 gray cardigan (this one had ruffles and short sleeves...but still must be acknowledged as I clearly have a problem).
When I got home I immediately stormed my closet. It was true. There really was no denying this. I am addicted to cardigans. Blue, white and black. They were everywhere. I looked down at my shopping bags and realized there would never be a good time to quit cardigan-ing. The time was now. It was hard but I did it. I chose my favorites and left the rest in the bag.
Without a second thought I added Banana Republic to my list of things to do this week. I'm sure there's another cardiganaholic out there who will appreciate my returns.
It all started last week. I was on a mission for a baby shower outfit and figured a quick stop into Ann Taylor would do the trick. Six hours later I found myself driving home with quite a collection of, you guessed it, cardigans. To make matters worse, I didn't even realize the redundancy of my purchases until I stopped at my girlfriend's house to show her the goods. And there they were. Spread on the back of her couch in all of their glory...five cardigans. FIVE. Just like the scale, this couch wasn't lying.
Perhaps you're thinking I bought five very different cardigans...you know, varied styles or fabrics, colors or what have you. Ummm...no, not so much. My friend looked me dead in the eye and brought this to my attention. I bought 2 white cardigans, 2 blue cardigans (almost matching shades), and 1 gray cardigan (this one had ruffles and short sleeves...but still must be acknowledged as I clearly have a problem).
When I got home I immediately stormed my closet. It was true. There really was no denying this. I am addicted to cardigans. Blue, white and black. They were everywhere. I looked down at my shopping bags and realized there would never be a good time to quit cardigan-ing. The time was now. It was hard but I did it. I chose my favorites and left the rest in the bag.
Without a second thought I added Banana Republic to my list of things to do this week. I'm sure there's another cardiganaholic out there who will appreciate my returns.
Friday, March 25, 2011
s'more, please
Last night I had a cupcake. And not just any cupcake...a pretty amazing one. This may come as a surprise to some of you, considering my recent break up with carbs and all. But I decided the cold turkey route wasn't all it's cracked up to be, so carbs and I are enjoying a nice relationship...in moderation.
So let me just tell you about this cupcake. First of all, I had four or five flavors to choose from, but this one was screaming my name. After all, how can you possibly resist a chocolate bundle of heaven, complete with Hershey bar and graham cracker on top? Oh, and don't forget the dollop of marshmallow on top.
Oh. My. God.
The Junior League of Cobb Marietta has been lucky enough to snag one of our local celebrity chefs, Mamie Doyle. Her cupcake parlor is located on the Marietta Square, and let's just say she is fabulous! Not only is she cute as a button, but her shoppe is beautiful, charming, and best of all, adorned with delicious cupcakes from top to bottom. I just can't get enough of this place, and if you haven't stopped by you are seriously missing out. Here is a picture of Miss Mamie's S'more Cupcake, courtesy of her website...
Hey, everything is okay in moderation, right? I'll take s'more please!
So let me just tell you about this cupcake. First of all, I had four or five flavors to choose from, but this one was screaming my name. After all, how can you possibly resist a chocolate bundle of heaven, complete with Hershey bar and graham cracker on top? Oh, and don't forget the dollop of marshmallow on top.
Oh. My. God.
The Junior League of Cobb Marietta has been lucky enough to snag one of our local celebrity chefs, Mamie Doyle. Her cupcake parlor is located on the Marietta Square, and let's just say she is fabulous! Not only is she cute as a button, but her shoppe is beautiful, charming, and best of all, adorned with delicious cupcakes from top to bottom. I just can't get enough of this place, and if you haven't stopped by you are seriously missing out. Here is a picture of Miss Mamie's S'more Cupcake, courtesy of her website...
Hey, everything is okay in moderation, right? I'll take s'more please!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
spring cleaning
It's that time again...you can see it everywhere you look (and no, I'm not referring to pollen, although I might as well be!) It's the annual spring cleaning event...are you prepared with your Rubbermaid bins?
Like most people with children, this is the time of year we clean out the closets, go through everything that still fits, kinda fits, and definitely does NOT fit. Pulling out shoes, socks, sweaters, dresses, pants, capris, shorts, tank tops, hoodies...the list goes on and on. With multiple piles and little hands pulling out their "favorite" [insert article of clothing here] the job becomes intense, and damn near impossible.
Aside from our girls' closets I've decided to take on some spring cleaning projects of my own. Sure, my closet is in desperate need of a makeover (along with my shoe collection), but I'm thinking bigger. I'm looking at the entire picture.
After registering Elizabeth for preschool last week it occurred to me that I only have 1 more year with her at home. Beginning in August she will be in school Monday-Friday, from 8:30am-3 (or 4, or whenever I decide to pick her up). I'm going to dedicate the emotional details of this experience to it's own blog post...but in a nutshell, I had another "ah-ha" moment.
My moment of insight allowed me to see that I am ultimately in control of what happens in my life. Sure, our parents, teachers, and mentors have been telling us this for years. Heck, I've even told my slew of people this very same thing. But it's a lot easier to dish advice out to others than take it for yourself.
Far too often I find myself running around like a chicken with my head cut off. I'm either going in one direction or another, and I rarely stop to smell the roses. Not only with my kids, but just for me. With the summer right around the corner I want to be totally prepared to take my girls to the pool or spend a day with some friends. After all, this is why I started my own business...so I could do things like this. At the end of my life I doubt the memories I have with my laptop will bring much joy to my heart.
I've decided to take the bull by the horns and do some personal spring cleaning. I've scheduled a personal workout routine, I've set office hours for myself (never thought that would happen!), and I am setting boundaries for myself. As a self proclaimed workaholic I have found that I'm my own worst enemy. So enough already. I'm done. Rubber gloves, Pledge and Windex won't hold a candle to this flame.
Like most people with children, this is the time of year we clean out the closets, go through everything that still fits, kinda fits, and definitely does NOT fit. Pulling out shoes, socks, sweaters, dresses, pants, capris, shorts, tank tops, hoodies...the list goes on and on. With multiple piles and little hands pulling out their "favorite" [insert article of clothing here] the job becomes intense, and damn near impossible.
Aside from our girls' closets I've decided to take on some spring cleaning projects of my own. Sure, my closet is in desperate need of a makeover (along with my shoe collection), but I'm thinking bigger. I'm looking at the entire picture.
After registering Elizabeth for preschool last week it occurred to me that I only have 1 more year with her at home. Beginning in August she will be in school Monday-Friday, from 8:30am-3 (or 4, or whenever I decide to pick her up). I'm going to dedicate the emotional details of this experience to it's own blog post...but in a nutshell, I had another "ah-ha" moment.
My moment of insight allowed me to see that I am ultimately in control of what happens in my life. Sure, our parents, teachers, and mentors have been telling us this for years. Heck, I've even told my slew of people this very same thing. But it's a lot easier to dish advice out to others than take it for yourself.
Far too often I find myself running around like a chicken with my head cut off. I'm either going in one direction or another, and I rarely stop to smell the roses. Not only with my kids, but just for me. With the summer right around the corner I want to be totally prepared to take my girls to the pool or spend a day with some friends. After all, this is why I started my own business...so I could do things like this. At the end of my life I doubt the memories I have with my laptop will bring much joy to my heart.
I've decided to take the bull by the horns and do some personal spring cleaning. I've scheduled a personal workout routine, I've set office hours for myself (never thought that would happen!), and I am setting boundaries for myself. As a self proclaimed workaholic I have found that I'm my own worst enemy. So enough already. I'm done. Rubber gloves, Pledge and Windex won't hold a candle to this flame.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
a shrink...without the bill
Wow. It's been almost two weeks since my last post and to be perfectly honest this is the last thing I should be doing right now. My to do list is a mile long, and my blog is certainly not an income producing activity. But this morning I just don't care. I've bumped my blog up to #1 today...not for anyone else, but for me.
My friend Kristy published a post yesterday on how her blog is like therapy for her. I totally agree, and seeing how I don't have time to see a shrink I figured the least I could do was take a small chunk of my day and do something for myself. So here it is. If I were sitting on a couch with a small water fountain trickling, relaxing spa music in the background, and 50 minutes to kill, this is what I would have to say.
My breakup with Carbs (we'll call him Carb) was a pretty painful month, and although I managed to shed 8 pounds I decided it just wasn't worth the madness. I was dreaming about cupcakes, and for some reason that just doesn't seem normal. Needless to say I have slowly integrated a healthy relationship with my long lost pal Carb, and so far so good. I even lost another 2 pounds. Can't complain.
Our girls are doing well, and we are so tremendously thankful for good news regarding our baby Kennedy. Turns out she can hear just fine...she's just stubborn as an ox and hard headed. I have no idea where she gets this personality trait from, but frankly, I'm impressed : )
As for Elizabeth...her birthday is just around the corner and I really can't believe it. The last 4 years have flown by, and yes, I know...they only get faster as we get older. I am doing my best to cherish every moment with her. On Sunday I took her out for ice cream and we had a blast. Just sitting in the booth together, talking and giggling about silly things- I had one of those "ah ha" moments. You know, the kind when you just want everything around you to stop so you can stay like this forever? I love it when that happens.
Shortly thereafter I realized there are probably more moments like that available to me throughout the day, but I'm too busy to notice them. Either I'm on the phone, on my computer, folding laundry, cooking dinner, whatever it is. It seems there's always SOMETHING. All of those SOMETHINGS actually mean NOTHING- so I am really going to try to focus on my kids when we are together. Even if that means sending people to voice mail or not responding immediately to email. My family is worth that, and much more.
On a spiritual note, we participated in a child dedication service yesterday at our church, dedicating both of our daughters to Christ. As parents we have vowed to teach our children about the Bible and raise them in a Christian home. I feel like this is the best gift we could give them- a strong, unwavering faith to guide them as they grow. We are praying as a family for several friends and family members right now, and God has been working miracles.
Speaking of miracles, my dear friend Jennifer and her husband Jimmy have been fighting for their sweet baby girl...they received wonderful news yesterday from the cardiologist and from what it looks like everything is going to be just fine. I can't wait to meet this baby girl when she's born- she is a fighter and her parents are true warriors for Christ.
Overall life is good. I make it my goal to rejoice in daily victories, and this post is my first one of the day- whoohoo! Now it's on to everything else...let the day begin.
My friend Kristy published a post yesterday on how her blog is like therapy for her. I totally agree, and seeing how I don't have time to see a shrink I figured the least I could do was take a small chunk of my day and do something for myself. So here it is. If I were sitting on a couch with a small water fountain trickling, relaxing spa music in the background, and 50 minutes to kill, this is what I would have to say.
My breakup with Carbs (we'll call him Carb) was a pretty painful month, and although I managed to shed 8 pounds I decided it just wasn't worth the madness. I was dreaming about cupcakes, and for some reason that just doesn't seem normal. Needless to say I have slowly integrated a healthy relationship with my long lost pal Carb, and so far so good. I even lost another 2 pounds. Can't complain.
Our girls are doing well, and we are so tremendously thankful for good news regarding our baby Kennedy. Turns out she can hear just fine...she's just stubborn as an ox and hard headed. I have no idea where she gets this personality trait from, but frankly, I'm impressed : )
As for Elizabeth...her birthday is just around the corner and I really can't believe it. The last 4 years have flown by, and yes, I know...they only get faster as we get older. I am doing my best to cherish every moment with her. On Sunday I took her out for ice cream and we had a blast. Just sitting in the booth together, talking and giggling about silly things- I had one of those "ah ha" moments. You know, the kind when you just want everything around you to stop so you can stay like this forever? I love it when that happens.
Shortly thereafter I realized there are probably more moments like that available to me throughout the day, but I'm too busy to notice them. Either I'm on the phone, on my computer, folding laundry, cooking dinner, whatever it is. It seems there's always SOMETHING. All of those SOMETHINGS actually mean NOTHING- so I am really going to try to focus on my kids when we are together. Even if that means sending people to voice mail or not responding immediately to email. My family is worth that, and much more.
On a spiritual note, we participated in a child dedication service yesterday at our church, dedicating both of our daughters to Christ. As parents we have vowed to teach our children about the Bible and raise them in a Christian home. I feel like this is the best gift we could give them- a strong, unwavering faith to guide them as they grow. We are praying as a family for several friends and family members right now, and God has been working miracles.
Speaking of miracles, my dear friend Jennifer and her husband Jimmy have been fighting for their sweet baby girl...they received wonderful news yesterday from the cardiologist and from what it looks like everything is going to be just fine. I can't wait to meet this baby girl when she's born- she is a fighter and her parents are true warriors for Christ.
Overall life is good. I make it my goal to rejoice in daily victories, and this post is my first one of the day- whoohoo! Now it's on to everything else...let the day begin.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
creating creativity
As most of you know by now I am pretty obsessed with party planning and anything that could involve some creativity. All it takes is a little inspiration to get my wheels turning, and voila! Something magical happens!
Several months ago I discovered the world of Etsy. I know, I know, I've been living under a rock...but for those of you who are STILL under the rock, Etsy is a creative person's dream come true. The website, www.etsy.com, provides an online marketplace for people who create beautiful things to sell. I don't care what it is you're looking for...chances are, you can find it on Etsy. Anything from vintage candle sticks to logo design to boutique-style children's clothing, this site has it all.
Take these monkey fondant cupcake toppers, for example from the Etsy Shop EdibleDetails...
What fascinates me the most is the amount of pure creative energy that is out there in this world. From the sites I have surfed (most being party or child related), it appears that the majority of these sellers are amazing women. These ladies have serious talent, and best of all, they are channeling their creative juices to design products they love, and in turn, they make money. Genius!
Through further investigation I have realized that a lot of these women are intertwined by their blogs, Etsy shops, and loyal customers. They support each other through commenting and mentioning each other on their various websites, blogs and promotional materials. How awesome is that?!?
Just from visiting one blog last night I was connected with almost 5 different women, all of whom have shops on Etsy, personal blogs, and businesses to call their own. Each of them offer a variety of services and products (think photographer-event planner-graphic designer-blogger-business coach)...seriously, all in one place.
All I have to say about this is WOW. Having just recently entered the world of blogging, it appears there is much more to this so called "virtual network." I know this is just the tip of the iceberg, but I couldn't help but share my fascination. If you're new to this whole thing (and I doubt you are, but just in case...) check out Etsy.com and browse around. It takes a little getting used to but once you get the hang of it you'll be hooked!
As for me, well, I'm happy to say I have finally found people who I can outsource some creative projects to. Yippee!
Several months ago I discovered the world of Etsy. I know, I know, I've been living under a rock...but for those of you who are STILL under the rock, Etsy is a creative person's dream come true. The website, www.etsy.com, provides an online marketplace for people who create beautiful things to sell. I don't care what it is you're looking for...chances are, you can find it on Etsy. Anything from vintage candle sticks to logo design to boutique-style children's clothing, this site has it all.
Take these monkey fondant cupcake toppers, for example from the Etsy Shop EdibleDetails...
Okay, really? How cute are these? You can literally buy fondant icing creations like this to top off your preschool classroom cupcakes...and just like that you're given the title of Martha Stewart. Jeez.Who thinks of this stuff? I'm gonna use this word again...GENIUS!
What fascinates me the most is the amount of pure creative energy that is out there in this world. From the sites I have surfed (most being party or child related), it appears that the majority of these sellers are amazing women. These ladies have serious talent, and best of all, they are channeling their creative juices to design products they love, and in turn, they make money. Genius!
Through further investigation I have realized that a lot of these women are intertwined by their blogs, Etsy shops, and loyal customers. They support each other through commenting and mentioning each other on their various websites, blogs and promotional materials. How awesome is that?!?
Just from visiting one blog last night I was connected with almost 5 different women, all of whom have shops on Etsy, personal blogs, and businesses to call their own. Each of them offer a variety of services and products (think photographer-event planner-graphic designer-blogger-business coach)...seriously, all in one place.
All I have to say about this is WOW. Having just recently entered the world of blogging, it appears there is much more to this so called "virtual network." I know this is just the tip of the iceberg, but I couldn't help but share my fascination. If you're new to this whole thing (and I doubt you are, but just in case...) check out Etsy.com and browse around. It takes a little getting used to but once you get the hang of it you'll be hooked!
As for me, well, I'm happy to say I have finally found people who I can outsource some creative projects to. Yippee!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
it all started with a cupcake
I am a passionate person. When I believe in something I give it my whole heart- the word "slacker" does not exist in my vocabulary (except, of course, when it comes to exercise)...But that's besides the point. Every now and then I'll stumble upon something that inspires me, and when it hits me there's no turning back. It's over. Done. Might as well call it a day.
Inspiration comes to me in several different ways, but most of the time it falls in one of the following categories:
-Paper (invitations, stationery, or pretty much anything printed on paper)
-Clothing/Shoes (hence the totally amazing boots on my sidebar)
-Decorative Accessories (a vintage tea cart, for example, which has sent me into a tea party tailspin...this subject deserves it's own post-coming soon!)
-Photographs (all it takes is a gorgeous picture to spark a flame in my heart)
This weekend I was hit by the Mac Truck of inspiration. All of the aforementioned categories were smooshed together, resulting in a brainstorm of the most amazing birthday party on the planet. It all started with a cupcake.
Yes, a cupcake. Last week I designed a flier for a client that centered around a Valentine's Day Cupcake event. After browsing the internet for cupcake images I started salivating. Then it hit me. I've been living under a rock. Cupcakes are all the rage right now, and I didn't get the memo. Kinda like Bubba and Forrest Gump and the whole shrimp thing. You name it, they've got it. Cupcake towers, wedding cupcakes, cupcake parties, cupcake costumes, blogs about cupcakes, cupcake parlors, "cupcakeries", cupcake decorations...good grief I could go on and on.
This cupcake epiphany led to an intense desire to experience the madness. The answer was simple. With my daughter's 4th birthday approaching in April, I knew I was onto something. Within a few hours I had the whole event sketched in my head, planned to a T, cupcakes galore and all the fixins'.
Needless to say the past few days have been a blur. Between surfing the web for cupcake party ideas and visiting antique stores I have experienced inspiration at it's finest. I have dreamed of cupcakes and even sent my husband on a bakery run (for the kids...remember, I broke up with carbs 15 days ago...)
The spark has been lit and I'm a woman on a mission. Bring on the cupcakes.
I couldn't resist sharing a little bit of inspiration. I apologize now for publishing these images...you'll be amazed at how the craving for a cupcake will take over you almost instantly. Good luck with that :)
Inspiration comes to me in several different ways, but most of the time it falls in one of the following categories:
-Paper (invitations, stationery, or pretty much anything printed on paper)
-Clothing/Shoes (hence the totally amazing boots on my sidebar)
-Decorative Accessories (a vintage tea cart, for example, which has sent me into a tea party tailspin...this subject deserves it's own post-coming soon!)
-Photographs (all it takes is a gorgeous picture to spark a flame in my heart)
This weekend I was hit by the Mac Truck of inspiration. All of the aforementioned categories were smooshed together, resulting in a brainstorm of the most amazing birthday party on the planet. It all started with a cupcake.
Yes, a cupcake. Last week I designed a flier for a client that centered around a Valentine's Day Cupcake event. After browsing the internet for cupcake images I started salivating. Then it hit me. I've been living under a rock. Cupcakes are all the rage right now, and I didn't get the memo. Kinda like Bubba and Forrest Gump and the whole shrimp thing. You name it, they've got it. Cupcake towers, wedding cupcakes, cupcake parties, cupcake costumes, blogs about cupcakes, cupcake parlors, "cupcakeries", cupcake decorations...good grief I could go on and on.
This cupcake epiphany led to an intense desire to experience the madness. The answer was simple. With my daughter's 4th birthday approaching in April, I knew I was onto something. Within a few hours I had the whole event sketched in my head, planned to a T, cupcakes galore and all the fixins'.
Needless to say the past few days have been a blur. Between surfing the web for cupcake party ideas and visiting antique stores I have experienced inspiration at it's finest. I have dreamed of cupcakes and even sent my husband on a bakery run (for the kids...remember, I broke up with carbs 15 days ago...)
The spark has been lit and I'm a woman on a mission. Bring on the cupcakes.
I couldn't resist sharing a little bit of inspiration. I apologize now for publishing these images...you'll be amazed at how the craving for a cupcake will take over you almost instantly. Good luck with that :)
Creative Hostess inspiration board- one of many incredible parties to view!
from The Cupcake Blog (no, I wasn't kidding!)
And check out this AMAZING Princess Tea Party from Lemiga Events:
If that doesn't inspire you to host a princess cupcake tea party then jeez...I don't know what would!
Monday, February 14, 2011
poor guys...they just can't win
I have to admit- I'm not a huge believer in Valentine's Day. I kinda agree that it's a forced holiday in which most women sit around waiting for their [insert significant other here] to pull out all the stops. You know the drill: send flowers (and by flowers we all know I mean ROSES), make reservations, and perhaps even a special gift after dinner (the smaller the box the better).
Of course all of these things are nice- I love getting roses just as much as the next girl, and I would much prefer a nice dinner rather than the same old grilled chicken at Chili's. But here's the problem- we are setting ourselves up for disaster. Men really can't win on Valentine's Day- they're damned if they do and they're damned if they don't. You have the classic Jeckyll and Hyde dilemma with the wife who tells you NOT to spend $100 on roses, but then sits around with her panties in a bunch because it's 4:30pm and there has yet to be a delivery to her doorstep. OR, the wife receives the overpriced dozen of roses and proceeds to complain the next week that so much money was spent on flowers that are now dead. Best of all...a sentence that goes like this, "Hunny, you didn't have to send me flowers...you could have done something different or creative...I don't care about flowers."
Lie. Lie. Lie.
We DO care about flowers. We DO care about dinner. We DO care about presents. But here's the catch- all we really want is to feel special.
Instead of waiting for my husband to fail today (I have faith!), I decided to take matters into my own hands. If Valentine's Day is about making the person you love feel special then as far as I'm concerned I am just as responsible for this as he is. I told him to clear his lunch schedule, booked a 1:15pm lunch reservation at Ruth's Chris Steakhouse, and arrived at his work with an obscene display of affection.
And by obscene I don't lie- we're talking a dozen giant helium balloons, a giant stuffed monkey the size of our 4 year old, and a gift basket put together by yours truly...filled with his favorite treats (all of which were Atkins Diet friendly). I got all dolled up, ditched the jeans for my sexy black pants, and even put on some bling. After all, he is my husband and I wanted him to feel special.
I'm pretty sure I was successful, because the look on his face when I walked through his office door was priceless. He had the sweet little smile that I see every once in a while...the smile I see when he's genuinely happy.
I'm not disappointed today, simply because I made the decision to make this Valentine's Day a good one. After all, if you want something done right, you should probably just do it yourself.
Of course all of these things are nice- I love getting roses just as much as the next girl, and I would much prefer a nice dinner rather than the same old grilled chicken at Chili's. But here's the problem- we are setting ourselves up for disaster. Men really can't win on Valentine's Day- they're damned if they do and they're damned if they don't. You have the classic Jeckyll and Hyde dilemma with the wife who tells you NOT to spend $100 on roses, but then sits around with her panties in a bunch because it's 4:30pm and there has yet to be a delivery to her doorstep. OR, the wife receives the overpriced dozen of roses and proceeds to complain the next week that so much money was spent on flowers that are now dead. Best of all...a sentence that goes like this, "Hunny, you didn't have to send me flowers...you could have done something different or creative...I don't care about flowers."
Lie. Lie. Lie.
We DO care about flowers. We DO care about dinner. We DO care about presents. But here's the catch- all we really want is to feel special.
Instead of waiting for my husband to fail today (I have faith!), I decided to take matters into my own hands. If Valentine's Day is about making the person you love feel special then as far as I'm concerned I am just as responsible for this as he is. I told him to clear his lunch schedule, booked a 1:15pm lunch reservation at Ruth's Chris Steakhouse, and arrived at his work with an obscene display of affection.
And by obscene I don't lie- we're talking a dozen giant helium balloons, a giant stuffed monkey the size of our 4 year old, and a gift basket put together by yours truly...filled with his favorite treats (all of which were Atkins Diet friendly). I got all dolled up, ditched the jeans for my sexy black pants, and even put on some bling. After all, he is my husband and I wanted him to feel special.
I'm pretty sure I was successful, because the look on his face when I walked through his office door was priceless. He had the sweet little smile that I see every once in a while...the smile I see when he's genuinely happy.
I'm not disappointed today, simply because I made the decision to make this Valentine's Day a good one. After all, if you want something done right, you should probably just do it yourself.
Friday, February 11, 2011
planting a seed
I can remember as a little girl watching my mom work in the garden...wondering why she spent so much time digging in the dirt for such little return. Or at least that's what I thought.
As a kid you really can't appreciate a beautiful garden. To a kid, flowers are flowers and according to kids they just grow when the weather warms up and the sun comes out. If only it were that easy. As an adult I can appreciate the blood (yes, there was blood), sweat (lots and lots of it), and tears (occasionally) that go into creating a beautiful garden. I would also venture to say that this garden, so to speak, can be applied to almost everything in life.
Throughout the course of this journey called life I have planted my share of seeds. Not only personally, but also as an entrepreneur. Several of these seeds have grown and flourished into amazing blooms. By blooms I mean relationships, partnerships, and friendships.
One of the most important lessons my mother taught me was the value of nurturing those seeds, tending to them, watering them, and sometimes even the occasional re-planting. By watching her I also learned to never give up on them. No matter what a seed have might looked like, the potential for growth was always there. She labored and pruned, sodded, watered, fertilized...the whole nine yards.
When I reflect on these so-called "blooms" in my life I realize there's a common thread, regardless of what the relationship may be. Whether it's a friend, a colleague, or a client, I am committed to making the most of each seed- and I never, ever give up on them. The result? A beautiful garden.
As a kid you really can't appreciate a beautiful garden. To a kid, flowers are flowers and according to kids they just grow when the weather warms up and the sun comes out. If only it were that easy. As an adult I can appreciate the blood (yes, there was blood), sweat (lots and lots of it), and tears (occasionally) that go into creating a beautiful garden. I would also venture to say that this garden, so to speak, can be applied to almost everything in life.
Throughout the course of this journey called life I have planted my share of seeds. Not only personally, but also as an entrepreneur. Several of these seeds have grown and flourished into amazing blooms. By blooms I mean relationships, partnerships, and friendships.
One of the most important lessons my mother taught me was the value of nurturing those seeds, tending to them, watering them, and sometimes even the occasional re-planting. By watching her I also learned to never give up on them. No matter what a seed have might looked like, the potential for growth was always there. She labored and pruned, sodded, watered, fertilized...the whole nine yards.
When I reflect on these so-called "blooms" in my life I realize there's a common thread, regardless of what the relationship may be. Whether it's a friend, a colleague, or a client, I am committed to making the most of each seed- and I never, ever give up on them. The result? A beautiful garden.
Monday, February 7, 2011
have I missed my calling?
If you're a regular reader of my blog then you'll remember my post a while back when I talked about wedding photography. I am definitely passionate about pictures (especially when they're amazing!), but I think I've narrowed down my passion to one simple word: parties.
Yup. It's true. And all of you who know me are nodding your heads and laughing. I am completely obsessed with parties. I don't know if I've totally missed my calling in life by not being a party planner, but really, it appears there are plenty of them out there that are doin' just fine.
My daughter will be turning 4 in April and for some reason I have become obsessed with planning her party. Because I've been so busy working and dealing with some unexpected family stress, I think this party just gives me something to look forward to. Yes, I realize she is 3 and probably won't remember it, but I will. Surely that counts for something, right?
It's amazing how my view has changed this year in regards to celebratory events. For Elizabeth's 3rd birthday party we went to the Gymnastics place (a.k.a. warehouse with horrible lighting). I spent $50 at Party City on tacky Disney Princess decor, ordered a few pizzas and called it a day. And I absolutely refuse to discuss the party (or lack thereof) for my second daughter's 1st birthday. I cringe when I think about it. Please note: this was completely out of character for me and I really have no idea how it happened. Do know, however, that with a young baby one tends to make rash decisions under pressure (hence the plastic tablecloths and "made in china" party favors).
I'm pretty sure my party passion was subdued over the last year due to sudden loss of my Mother-in-Law and the birth of our second child (which occurred within 48 hours of each other), among other things. Excuses, excusess, call it what you want. All I know is that I'm back.
That's right. Me, the crazy passionate party lady is back and I'm in full force. My poor husband...he has no idea what he's in for. In November we hosted a football party for the UF/UGA game- I was inspired and went a little overboard...but the party was a hit! As far as I'm concerned a party is only as fabulous as it's details...and I am the QUEEN of party details.
During a baby shower planning session this weekend one of the gals looked at me with conviction and said, "You should do this for a living." I smiled, agreed, and we continued with the checklist. So perhaps I missed the boat on the whole party planning for a living thing...lucky for me I've got two little girls who have a mommy for hire. And to my darling Kennedy, I promise to make it up to you for #2.
Yup. It's true. And all of you who know me are nodding your heads and laughing. I am completely obsessed with parties. I don't know if I've totally missed my calling in life by not being a party planner, but really, it appears there are plenty of them out there that are doin' just fine.
My daughter will be turning 4 in April and for some reason I have become obsessed with planning her party. Because I've been so busy working and dealing with some unexpected family stress, I think this party just gives me something to look forward to. Yes, I realize she is 3 and probably won't remember it, but I will. Surely that counts for something, right?
It's amazing how my view has changed this year in regards to celebratory events. For Elizabeth's 3rd birthday party we went to the Gymnastics place (a.k.a. warehouse with horrible lighting). I spent $50 at Party City on tacky Disney Princess decor, ordered a few pizzas and called it a day. And I absolutely refuse to discuss the party (or lack thereof) for my second daughter's 1st birthday. I cringe when I think about it. Please note: this was completely out of character for me and I really have no idea how it happened. Do know, however, that with a young baby one tends to make rash decisions under pressure (hence the plastic tablecloths and "made in china" party favors).
I'm pretty sure my party passion was subdued over the last year due to sudden loss of my Mother-in-Law and the birth of our second child (which occurred within 48 hours of each other), among other things. Excuses, excusess, call it what you want. All I know is that I'm back.
That's right. Me, the crazy passionate party lady is back and I'm in full force. My poor husband...he has no idea what he's in for. In November we hosted a football party for the UF/UGA game- I was inspired and went a little overboard...but the party was a hit! As far as I'm concerned a party is only as fabulous as it's details...and I am the QUEEN of party details.
During a baby shower planning session this weekend one of the gals looked at me with conviction and said, "You should do this for a living." I smiled, agreed, and we continued with the checklist. So perhaps I missed the boat on the whole party planning for a living thing...lucky for me I've got two little girls who have a mommy for hire. And to my darling Kennedy, I promise to make it up to you for #2.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
burn, baby, burn.
I am so proud of myself. Today I actually lit my favorite candle, and let it burn all day. I don't know about you, but when I have a favorite "something", I rarely allow myself to enjoy it...especially when it's almost gone. While enjoying dinner with a friend the other night, we got to chatting about this very subject. Turns out I'm not alone.
You know, the conditioner that not only makes your hair smell amazing, but makes it smooth as silk. Or the designer fragrance you love so much but only save for special occasions. Even better, the random (99% empty) bottles of Bath & Body Works lotion for no apparent reason other than the once-a-year desire to smell like Vanilla Bean or Plumeria. Seriously? Why can't I just throw them away?
For me, it's the same routine. My shower is a perfect example of random shampoo, conditioner, body washes and soaps. I love them all, and I can't seem to bring myself to squeeze the last of it out. Sure, the first few weeks are pure bliss...squeezing, spraying, sudsing, whatever...without a care in the world. And then it hits you. Crap. It's almost gone. Now what am I gonna do?
This is when I put myself on restriction from said favorite product, and rotate in a substitute. And the cycle continues. Again. For weeks I will use various backup products to substitute for my favorite, all while my delicious shower gel is sitting there, almost empty but not quite.
I don't know if it's separation anxiety or what, but it's weird. After all, if the shower gel was $20 and it makes me this happy, why not just BUY MORE? Isn't this why I work?! I think there's an underlying guilt factor somewhere that pops into my head to remind me most people don't spend $20 on shower gel. Or conditioner. Or [insert product here].
The same thing goes for my candle. I pondered buying this candle for seriously almost a year. Every time I visited my Aveda Hair Salon I drooled over it. The price tag was something crazy, and I always managed to talk myself out of it (paying $150 for highlights may have had something to do with it). After contemplating this purchase for way too long I finally bit the bullet. I bought the damn candle.
And guess what? I never light it. And when I do, I only let it go for a little while, for fear of getting to the end.
So my girlfriend and I made the conscious decision over dinner last night to enjoy ALL of these things...even the last drop, squeeze, spray, whatever. Life is just too short to ration out body lotion.
My assistant Kaylie walked into the office this morning and I was excited to share the good news. Her exact words: "Good! That candle has been sitting on your desk for 4 years and I've never seen it lit!"
So I applaud my efforts for allowing my favorite candle to burn all day. And when it gets close to the end I'm gonna buy another one. After all, I'm worth it.
You know, the conditioner that not only makes your hair smell amazing, but makes it smooth as silk. Or the designer fragrance you love so much but only save for special occasions. Even better, the random (99% empty) bottles of Bath & Body Works lotion for no apparent reason other than the once-a-year desire to smell like Vanilla Bean or Plumeria. Seriously? Why can't I just throw them away?
For me, it's the same routine. My shower is a perfect example of random shampoo, conditioner, body washes and soaps. I love them all, and I can't seem to bring myself to squeeze the last of it out. Sure, the first few weeks are pure bliss...squeezing, spraying, sudsing, whatever...without a care in the world. And then it hits you. Crap. It's almost gone. Now what am I gonna do?
This is when I put myself on restriction from said favorite product, and rotate in a substitute. And the cycle continues. Again. For weeks I will use various backup products to substitute for my favorite, all while my delicious shower gel is sitting there, almost empty but not quite.
I don't know if it's separation anxiety or what, but it's weird. After all, if the shower gel was $20 and it makes me this happy, why not just BUY MORE? Isn't this why I work?! I think there's an underlying guilt factor somewhere that pops into my head to remind me most people don't spend $20 on shower gel. Or conditioner. Or [insert product here].
The same thing goes for my candle. I pondered buying this candle for seriously almost a year. Every time I visited my Aveda Hair Salon I drooled over it. The price tag was something crazy, and I always managed to talk myself out of it (paying $150 for highlights may have had something to do with it). After contemplating this purchase for way too long I finally bit the bullet. I bought the damn candle.
And guess what? I never light it. And when I do, I only let it go for a little while, for fear of getting to the end.
So my girlfriend and I made the conscious decision over dinner last night to enjoy ALL of these things...even the last drop, squeeze, spray, whatever. Life is just too short to ration out body lotion.
My assistant Kaylie walked into the office this morning and I was excited to share the good news. Her exact words: "Good! That candle has been sitting on your desk for 4 years and I've never seen it lit!"
So I applaud my efforts for allowing my favorite candle to burn all day. And when it gets close to the end I'm gonna buy another one. After all, I'm worth it.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
dear carbs...
Dear Carbs,
I think it's time to break up. Yes, I know we've been together for thirtysomething years...and yes, I know there is nothing like a giant bowl of pasta at the end of a long day. But really? Somethin's gotta give. I've pushed out (well, not exactly pushed...but whatever) two kids in the last 4 years, and this muffin top is really starting to piss me off. No matter what I do I just can't shake it. I'm even thinking about naming it Molly. Molly the Muffin Top. Hmmmm....
What? What's that you say? Am I running five miles a day? Well, no, of course not. Who on earth has time to run five miles a day? And honestly, running sucks.Yes, I realize if I could run five miles a day I could eat all the carbs in the world and ditch Molly at the same time...but ya know what? That's just not gonna happen.
Excuse me? You don't think I can live without you? Really? Well, my friend, I beg to differ. I have been getting along just fine with your frenemy, Protein. In fact, Protein and I have spent the last 48 hours together and although the thought of you has popped into my mind, the truth of the matter is this:
I'm just not that into you.
Oh, so now you're calling me a LIAR? After a lifetime of loyalty? That's it. We're done.
You don't understand? Let me clarify...
Adios. Au revoir. Sayonara. Ciao. Hasta la vista, baby.
And that goes for you too, Molly.
I think it's time to break up. Yes, I know we've been together for thirtysomething years...and yes, I know there is nothing like a giant bowl of pasta at the end of a long day. But really? Somethin's gotta give. I've pushed out (well, not exactly pushed...but whatever) two kids in the last 4 years, and this muffin top is really starting to piss me off. No matter what I do I just can't shake it. I'm even thinking about naming it Molly. Molly the Muffin Top. Hmmmm....
What? What's that you say? Am I running five miles a day? Well, no, of course not. Who on earth has time to run five miles a day? And honestly, running sucks.Yes, I realize if I could run five miles a day I could eat all the carbs in the world and ditch Molly at the same time...but ya know what? That's just not gonna happen.
Excuse me? You don't think I can live without you? Really? Well, my friend, I beg to differ. I have been getting along just fine with your frenemy, Protein. In fact, Protein and I have spent the last 48 hours together and although the thought of you has popped into my mind, the truth of the matter is this:
I'm just not that into you.
Oh, so now you're calling me a LIAR? After a lifetime of loyalty? That's it. We're done.
You don't understand? Let me clarify...
Adios. Au revoir. Sayonara. Ciao. Hasta la vista, baby.
And that goes for you too, Molly.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
are you there, world? It's me, blogger.
First of all, I just have to say that after taking a week away from my blog I am more than ready to get back in the swing of things. It's funny how the whole blogging thing has messed with my head- leave it to me to put pressure on myself for something that I chose to do in the first place. Go figure. But here's the thing- at least once a day something happens (whether it be funny, depressing, or down right crazy) when I say to myself, "I absolutely MUST blog about this." Before I know it I've got a running list of things to blog about, yet I can't seem to find the time to sit down and write. And now I find myself blogging about blogging. REALLY?!?! How can this be when I have a long running list with topics to blog about. What is wrong with me?
So, this completely pointless post is just me saying hello. I'm not falling off the face of the blogging world, in fact I have a gazillion great stories to write about and I can't wait to share. Given my recent break up with carbs I'm feeling a little grumpy and under the weather (that's a nice way of saying I want to scream). Hopefully this giant piece of chicken I'm about to eat for lunch will help. Although I doubt it. I really think a hunk of chocolate would do a much better job.
Stay tuned, my friends. I know we're all busy with our lives, and if yours is anything like mine, well, it's enough to make you a little loony. I figure blogging about my crazy adventures is a cheaper version of therapy...but with greater rewards. I have had so many awesome responses to my previous posts, and I just can't believe how many people actually read what I write. We all have stories to tell, and being able to share them makes the journey that much sweeter.
So, this completely pointless post is just me saying hello. I'm not falling off the face of the blogging world, in fact I have a gazillion great stories to write about and I can't wait to share. Given my recent break up with carbs I'm feeling a little grumpy and under the weather (that's a nice way of saying I want to scream). Hopefully this giant piece of chicken I'm about to eat for lunch will help. Although I doubt it. I really think a hunk of chocolate would do a much better job.
Stay tuned, my friends. I know we're all busy with our lives, and if yours is anything like mine, well, it's enough to make you a little loony. I figure blogging about my crazy adventures is a cheaper version of therapy...but with greater rewards. I have had so many awesome responses to my previous posts, and I just can't believe how many people actually read what I write. We all have stories to tell, and being able to share them makes the journey that much sweeter.
Monday, January 24, 2011
HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD (a statement, not a question)
Usually on Monday mornings I like to add a funny or interesting story to my blog about our weekend adventures, but it just doesn't seem right given the circumstances. Today I have a gut wrenching pit in my heart for a friend who is going through one of those storms we call life, and in a way I feel helpless. When receiving her news this weekend I was brought to my knees in tears, and this is not an exaggeration. Sometimes the hardest part about being a friend is knowing when to step in, when to step back, and when to just give it to God. This is one of those times where we need to look straight up for the answers, for the healing, for the miracles we know only HE is capable of.
As friends we can pray, support one another, be there for a hug, and share in the tears, but there is nothing on this Earth like the presence and the peace of God. Today I lift up my friend Jennifer, her husband Jimmy and their sweet baby girl in prayers. I pray that this week be one of healing, one of miracles, and most of all enveloped in peace and strength.
If you are reading this I ask that you join me as a prayer warrior for this family.
"The Lord God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness; He will quiet you by His love; He will exalt you over loud singing." Zephaniah 3:17.
To read Jennifer's story please click the link below to her blog:
As friends we can pray, support one another, be there for a hug, and share in the tears, but there is nothing on this Earth like the presence and the peace of God. Today I lift up my friend Jennifer, her husband Jimmy and their sweet baby girl in prayers. I pray that this week be one of healing, one of miracles, and most of all enveloped in peace and strength.
If you are reading this I ask that you join me as a prayer warrior for this family.
"The Lord God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness; He will quiet you by His love; He will exalt you over loud singing." Zephaniah 3:17.
To read Jennifer's story please click the link below to her blog:
Friday, January 21, 2011
shoes, babies and cupcakes
Today I did something completely out of the ordinary. I took a few hours out of my schedule and had a lunch date with friends. From my experience it seems that when people think of a "work from home mom" a very specific image pops into mind. A morning in pajamas drinking coffee, casual lunch with friends, and an afternoon spent with Oprah, Ellen & Dr. Phil...all with a sprinkling of emails and phone calls throughout the day. Yeah right. Life as I know it is nothing like this, and for those of you who work for yourselves, by yourselves, I know you will agree.
To make up for lost time I scheduled my babysitter to come a few hours early. In order for me to wrap the day up early I would have to be disciplined. I plugged away at my to do list and managed to get almost everything done. At 12:45 I closed my laptop and headed out the door.
While sitting at the booth with some of my favorite girlfriends, I had what Oprah might call an "ah ha" moment. I never do this. This is so much fun. WHY don't I ever do this? I work for myself so I CAN have lunch on a random Friday with friends! That's it. I need to do this more often! Like clockwork we all commented on the same exact thought- you see, each of us felt a little guilty for taking the time to meet for lunch. As women (and wives, and mommies, and business owners) our to do list is never completely done.
For two hours we sat in a booth and talked about pretty much everything. From Allison's growing baby bump (her first, and it's a GIRL!) to Kristy's enviable shoe collection and my recent obsession with cupcakes, well, let's just say all of the bases we covered. We even congratulated each other for leaving our iPhones in our purses and not checking emails or texts (talk about MAJOR!).
We wrapped up the date with a hot fudge brownie sundae and it was divine.When the check came the marketing and PR part of my brain instantly imagined this message:
Grilled Chicken Salad: $13
Babysitter for 2 hours: $24 (yes, I know...but she is worth it)
Two hours with girlfriends and no interruptions: Priceless
Go ahead and cringe at the cheesiness of it all. I just couldn't help myself with that one! Lesson for the day? Ditch the Lean Cuisine and call a friend for lunch. It's totally worth it.
To make up for lost time I scheduled my babysitter to come a few hours early. In order for me to wrap the day up early I would have to be disciplined. I plugged away at my to do list and managed to get almost everything done. At 12:45 I closed my laptop and headed out the door.
While sitting at the booth with some of my favorite girlfriends, I had what Oprah might call an "ah ha" moment. I never do this. This is so much fun. WHY don't I ever do this? I work for myself so I CAN have lunch on a random Friday with friends! That's it. I need to do this more often! Like clockwork we all commented on the same exact thought- you see, each of us felt a little guilty for taking the time to meet for lunch. As women (and wives, and mommies, and business owners) our to do list is never completely done.
For two hours we sat in a booth and talked about pretty much everything. From Allison's growing baby bump (her first, and it's a GIRL!) to Kristy's enviable shoe collection and my recent obsession with cupcakes, well, let's just say all of the bases we covered. We even congratulated each other for leaving our iPhones in our purses and not checking emails or texts (talk about MAJOR!).
We wrapped up the date with a hot fudge brownie sundae and it was divine.When the check came the marketing and PR part of my brain instantly imagined this message:
Grilled Chicken Salad: $13
Babysitter for 2 hours: $24 (yes, I know...but she is worth it)
Two hours with girlfriends and no interruptions: Priceless
Go ahead and cringe at the cheesiness of it all. I just couldn't help myself with that one! Lesson for the day? Ditch the Lean Cuisine and call a friend for lunch. It's totally worth it.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
in my next life
When I was a kid my mother used to say in her next life she was going to "come back" as our cat. It was kind of a joke in our house that this cat was living the high life, and every now and then we would entertain the thought of who or what we would do in our next life (please note, this was all in good fun and does not in any way reflect our religious beliefs). I have zero interest in being a cat, and although the thought of being a celebrity is tempting there isn't one I would really want to trade places with on an every day basis (no, not even Britney...think bare feet and gas station).
So this is what I've come up with. In my next life I'm going to come back as a wedding photographer. I'm pretty convinced that these people have the coolest job on the planet. Not only can they channel their creative energy into making beautiful art, but they are hired to capture the moments of what possibly is deemed "the best day" of someone's life. How awesome is that? Sure, taking family pictures is fun and rewarding, but a family photo session doesn't hold a candle to a beautiful wedding. I guess snapping pics of a high school senior or a beautiful newborn baby might be cool, but I would much rather shoot a bride in the gown that she's dreamed about her whole life. (Do you have a new baby? If so pick up the phone and call Summer Adams- she is an incredible newborn photographer! Seriously A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!)
This thought came full circle to me the other night while attending a friend's wedding. The photographers followed her around all night, making sure they captured every single moment of her day. The bride and groom were having a blast, and they were there to witness it all. What a fun job! Easy, no. Fun, yes.
My friend Kristy is a wedding photographer, and I just love hearing her stories and watching her business grow. Her styled engagement sessions are so cool that I'm planning a fake engagement just for the pictures (neither she or my husband are aware of this yet). And every time my friend Melissa posts pics from a wedding it makes me want to get married all over again...with the same groom, of course =). These girls are totally awesome, and I respect their talent and ability to pick up a camera and make magic happen. Of course I recognize there is a tremendous amount of work that goes into building a successful photography business- like anything, if it were easy then everyone would do it. I just think this particular job would be pretty darn cool.
For those of you who will respond to this with the Oprah-fied "it's never too late" motto, no worries. I've got it covered. I am happy to live vicariously through Kristy and Melissa's experiences and beautiful pictures. In the meantime I enjoy playing around with our fancy camera at home, and somehow I've managed to become the resident Junior League photographer (please don't hold the awful CFR lighting against me you guys!). I've even added a photography class to my Bucket List. One of these days I'll get to it.
So this is what I've come up with. In my next life I'm going to come back as a wedding photographer. I'm pretty convinced that these people have the coolest job on the planet. Not only can they channel their creative energy into making beautiful art, but they are hired to capture the moments of what possibly is deemed "the best day" of someone's life. How awesome is that? Sure, taking family pictures is fun and rewarding, but a family photo session doesn't hold a candle to a beautiful wedding. I guess snapping pics of a high school senior or a beautiful newborn baby might be cool, but I would much rather shoot a bride in the gown that she's dreamed about her whole life. (Do you have a new baby? If so pick up the phone and call Summer Adams- she is an incredible newborn photographer! Seriously A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!)
This thought came full circle to me the other night while attending a friend's wedding. The photographers followed her around all night, making sure they captured every single moment of her day. The bride and groom were having a blast, and they were there to witness it all. What a fun job! Easy, no. Fun, yes.
My friend Kristy is a wedding photographer, and I just love hearing her stories and watching her business grow. Her styled engagement sessions are so cool that I'm planning a fake engagement just for the pictures (neither she or my husband are aware of this yet). And every time my friend Melissa posts pics from a wedding it makes me want to get married all over again...with the same groom, of course =). These girls are totally awesome, and I respect their talent and ability to pick up a camera and make magic happen. Of course I recognize there is a tremendous amount of work that goes into building a successful photography business- like anything, if it were easy then everyone would do it. I just think this particular job would be pretty darn cool.
For those of you who will respond to this with the Oprah-fied "it's never too late" motto, no worries. I've got it covered. I am happy to live vicariously through Kristy and Melissa's experiences and beautiful pictures. In the meantime I enjoy playing around with our fancy camera at home, and somehow I've managed to become the resident Junior League photographer (please don't hold the awful CFR lighting against me you guys!). I've even added a photography class to my Bucket List. One of these days I'll get to it.
Friday, January 14, 2011
networking is a girl's best friend
Okay, okay, maybe not a girl's best friend, but definitely somewhere close. Especially when you're a girl in business for yourself. Here's the deal. Networking is just a fact of life. It doesn't really matter whether you're a corporate executive or a full time mother, this key "life skill" can significantly make your world a better place (think private preschool admissions and/or booking a coveted executive lunch meeting).
I was born a social butterfly, so networking comes naturally to me. I guess you could call me a networking butterfly. You never know who you will meet, and I choose to take advantage of my surroundings. Whether I'm at ballet class with my daughter or a guest speaker at an event, I make it a point to meet everyone I can. Every once in a while you'll come across another networking butterfly, and the connection will be instantaneous. Immediately the business cards or phone numbers will be exchanged, and before you know it you've got yourself another friend, colleague, whatever. I can usually spot these people out of a crowd because they're just like me- they are making a point to meet new people. These people will truly make a difference in your life.
My dear friend Kristin just happens to be someone I would consider a networking butterfly. This girl is on top of her game. She is bright, talented (not to mention absolutely gorgeous), but most of all Kristin is all about making connections with people. She has challenged me professionally, and has also connected me with people I may have never met. What I like most about Kristin is her ability to listen and really focus on what you have to say. Once in a while you come across someone who will make a difference in your life, and Kristin just happens to be one of those people.
I was inspired to post this blog about networking after I received a beautiful Christmas gift in the mail. Guess who it was from? Yep, Kristin. Immediately I wondered how many other gifts she had prepared with such detail. You see, Kristin's focus is always on others, and I know she is a tremendous blessing to so many people. My next thought was: how would my business (and life in general) be different had I never met this girl?
Obviously the answer to that is unknown. But there is one thing I know for sure...she has contributed significantly to my personal success this year, and I have been happy to return the favor. The funny thing is that our relationship was one that didn't happen in an instant. It took several games of phone tag, a full term pregnancy for me, and then another few months before we finally connected. But once we did the rest has been history.
So the moral of this story is to get out of that comfort zone and do your best to become a networking butterfly. You never know who could pop into your life. It just might be changed forever.
I was born a social butterfly, so networking comes naturally to me. I guess you could call me a networking butterfly. You never know who you will meet, and I choose to take advantage of my surroundings. Whether I'm at ballet class with my daughter or a guest speaker at an event, I make it a point to meet everyone I can. Every once in a while you'll come across another networking butterfly, and the connection will be instantaneous. Immediately the business cards or phone numbers will be exchanged, and before you know it you've got yourself another friend, colleague, whatever. I can usually spot these people out of a crowd because they're just like me- they are making a point to meet new people. These people will truly make a difference in your life.
My dear friend Kristin just happens to be someone I would consider a networking butterfly. This girl is on top of her game. She is bright, talented (not to mention absolutely gorgeous), but most of all Kristin is all about making connections with people. She has challenged me professionally, and has also connected me with people I may have never met. What I like most about Kristin is her ability to listen and really focus on what you have to say. Once in a while you come across someone who will make a difference in your life, and Kristin just happens to be one of those people.
I was inspired to post this blog about networking after I received a beautiful Christmas gift in the mail. Guess who it was from? Yep, Kristin. Immediately I wondered how many other gifts she had prepared with such detail. You see, Kristin's focus is always on others, and I know she is a tremendous blessing to so many people. My next thought was: how would my business (and life in general) be different had I never met this girl?
Obviously the answer to that is unknown. But there is one thing I know for sure...she has contributed significantly to my personal success this year, and I have been happy to return the favor. The funny thing is that our relationship was one that didn't happen in an instant. It took several games of phone tag, a full term pregnancy for me, and then another few months before we finally connected. But once we did the rest has been history.
So the moral of this story is to get out of that comfort zone and do your best to become a networking butterfly. You never know who could pop into your life. It just might be changed forever.
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