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Friday, July 29, 2011

Favorite Fridays: Got Sprinkles?

I've never met a person who doesn't like ice cream. Ice cream is one of those go-to desserts that you know will make everyone happy. Pumpkin pie? No thanks. Tiramisu? Pass. Cheesecake? Tempting...but it's not ice cream. Give me an ice cream cone with chocolate sprinkles (yes, I said sprinkles...preferably the chocolate kind), and I'm a happy girl.

You see, grown ups have given up the sprinkles...and I'm here to tell you, you guys are missin' out. The next time you're in ColdStone or Brewsters take a look around- how many adults do you see ordering their ice cream with sprinkles? None. On the flip side, almost every single kid in the place will have their cone or cup drowning in either rainbow or chocolate sprinkles.

People think I'm crazy- my husband just laughs. But the first thing I look for at an ice cream joint is confirmation of chocolate sprinkles.  Some people scan the topping bar in search of Reese's or cookie dough...not me : )

I'm gonna go out on a limb and make the assumption that men don't order sprinkles in an effort to maintain their manhood. It's not every day you see a tall, dark, handsome dude enjoying an ice cream cone with sprinkles. Too bad for him.

If you're a sprinkle lover like me then you're aware of the magical sprinkle power. Sprinkles make everything better. Ice cream, cupcakes, cookies, whatever. Chocolate coated waffle cones with sprinkles are definitely a little piece of heaven.

I realize I have just dedicated an entire blog post to sprinkles. But it's okay. They're my favorite.

1 comment:

  1. Yes you did just write an entire blog entry on sprinkles, but I love it!!
