Based on my lack of consistency in regards to blog posting, one might think I'm not that interested. Quite the contrary, in fact. I absolutely love writing in my blog. Unfortunately, at this time it's not exactly an income producing activity. So although my posts are here and there, I hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoy writing.
I realize a personal blog doesn't have to be a huge time commitment, after all, why can't I just sit down for a few minutes and share a story from my day? It's not that big of a deal. Just do it already. After all, I have so much to say : )
I know exactly what my problem is. I am hung up on...wait for it...myself.
Shocking? Hardly. I know I'm not alone when I say this, but I am my biggest critic. My own personal criticisms shut me down, and far too often I start writing a post and get stuck after the first few sentences. Clever, well-thought stories or anecdotes come into my head as quickly as they pop out. Perhaps it's because I'm not trained in the formal task of writing, or perhaps it's just me. Getting in the way.
When I started this blog I set the standard high for myself. No whining posts about my kids, husband or job. No boring updates on how life's been treating me. And no random posts just because I promised myself I would write 4 times a week.
What I've realized is this: If I want to whine for a paragraph or two about my kids or share a totally random thought of the day I'm just going to suck it up and write it.
After all, it's my blog. I can write whatever I want.
Agreed, write what comes to you and we'll all still enjoy reading it.
ReplyDeleteDamn straight. Write whatever you want :)