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Friday, June 3, 2011

Friday Favorite: Summertime

As soon as I decided to dedicate each Friday's post to a favorite thing, I knew this would be a routine I could stick to. Finding things I love is easy. I'm surrounded by them.

Of course, this is only my second Favorite Friday post, and I've gotta admit...this week there were several front runners. Then it hit me. All of my favorite ideas for this week had one common theme: Summertime.

When I think of summer so many favorite memories come flooding back to me. Warm sunshine and the smell of sunscreen. Popsicles and ice cream cones. Campfires, canoes and sleeping bags. Beach chairs, flip flops, sand-filled bathing suits. Hotdogs and hamburgers cooking on the grill. Friends, family, sleepovers and movie nights. Falling asleep the second your head hits the pillow, just because you're that tired.

While scrolling through my iphone pics, I came across a few from last summer. I can't believe how much my girls have grown and changed this year.

backyard swimming...redneck style

poolside glamour...sporting the chubby leg rolls!

there's nothing like a good old fashioned ice cream cone with sprinkles

By creating these experiences and memories for my children, I'm able to relive them myself.  So if we go to bed a little late or swap our turkey sandwiches for popsicles, it's gonna be okay. After all, they don't call it sweet summertime for nothin'. Definitely one of my favorites. 

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