Last week, during a moment of weakness (and hunger) I actually did it. I wrote without a filter, exactly what was on my mind...including sharing all of those crazy voices that were having a field day in my head. It was refreshing to be so real, so honest and so authentic. In an effort to continue my "filter free" blogging, I think it's only fair to give an update.
I've never been a skinny person and maybe this is why...the whole "cleanse" stuff is for the birds. It made me crazy, I heard VOICES (like lots of them!), and I came close to eating my children (not really, but I was taunted by every carb in my pantry and fantasized about eating Fruity Cheerios).
I've experienced a bit of a self discovery during this experience. Here are my conclusions:
- I would rather be chubby and happy than hungry and crazy.
- If you tell me I can't do {or have} something it will only make me want it more. Whether it's a limit on spending money, eating carbs, or dating Mr. Wrong...tell me I can't have it and it will become my main focus. Hence the whole you can't eat food all day thing redirecting my entire focus to wanting to EAT. *note: this doesn't always work in my favor but it is how my brain works.
- I figured out a way to make the shakes so they are edible (adding a little cocoa powder and almond butter helped) . I will continue to consume these until the canister is gone.
- Like most things in life, balance is key. I am finding a balance between the shakes, the cleanse juice (it's actually not that bad), and real food. The voices have stopped (well, they're much quieter now...)
- If you're concerned at all about your appearance (which most of us are), you probably hear the same voices I do. We have to be able to discern the ones that are valid and the ones that are a result of an addiction or bad habit (a voice telling me to eat Moose Tracks ice cream is not the right one to listen to...)
- If there was a magic formula, cleanse, pill, diet, WHATEVER, that could guarantee skinniness with little or no effort then Oprah would have it and she would be skinny. But she's not. I rest assured in knowing that anything worth having is worth working for (bikini body included).
I'm with you! If someone tells me I can't have something...I want it all the more!:-)