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Monday, May 16, 2011

among the darkness there is light

This past week has been pretty tough. If I could sugar coat it I would- but that would be nearly impossible. It began with the sad news of my husband's grandmother (Me-Maw) passing away early Tuesday morning. She had lived a great life, and of course we rest in the comfort of knowing she is in Heaven with her husband and her daughter (Corey's mom). Still, there is pain associated with losing a loved one, no matter how old they are or how much better off they are in Heaven than on Earth.

The day after Me-Maw's passing, we received a frantic call from a family friend. Their 5 year old daughter had fallen 6 feet from an indoor play structure and landed on concrete. With news of a fractured skull and brain hemorrhaging, we went into panic mode.  For 48 hours we prayed as a family, on our knees, for this little girl. Thankfully, she is at home now, resting and recovering in her own bed. The fear I felt for her (not to mention her parents) was so very real. I praise God knowing he is working to heal this sweet friend of ours, and we are so thankful she will make a full recovery.

As we rejoiced in the news of Caroline's release from the hospital, I received a message from a friend's husband stating they had lost their baby girl (she was 28 weeks pregnant). Although her pregnancy was high risk, things were looking good and we had high hopes for this child. My heart was broken to learn of this news, especially thinking of her as she was being induced to delivery this baby. Rebecca Reese Martin was born on Sunday May 15, 2011. She was baptized shortly after delivery and will be laid to rest next to her great grandfather. I gave up on holding in my tears yesterday- it was just impossible.Tears are streaming down my face even as I write this post.

Throughout this week of "darkness", I must look up to our Heavenly Father and remember that even though sometimes we don't understand WHY, we have to trust in HIM. And that yes, there are times of darkness in our lives, but among the darkness there is always light. This light may be a tiny flame, or a blazing sunset. Either way we must believe that all things do come from our Creator, and allow His light to shine, no matter how big or small.

photographer unknown (could not find the source!)
I came across this image this morning, and wanted to share it with you. It reminded me that among the rocks and crashing waves we experience in life, His light continues to shine on us.

I am embracing the light today and hoping for a better week ahead.

May God's grace and light shine on YOU today : )

*To read more about Rebecca Reese's story, visit her mommy's blog


  1. Wow. So sad about your friend's baby girl. My heart goes out to her. Also to you and your family with the death of your husband's grandmother. Love this picture...

  2. Agree with my sis on this one, incredibly sad, heart-breaking to hear. I cannot begin to imagine that pain. I am so very sorry. I do agree and appreciate your thoughts on "in darkness, there is light" - it's so very hard to have faith during sad/hard times such as this, but it's the faithful that are lifted up in the end.
