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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

spring cleaning

It's that time can see it everywhere you look (and no, I'm not referring to pollen, although I might as well be!) It's the annual spring cleaning event...are you prepared with your Rubbermaid bins?

Like most people with children, this is the time of year we clean out the closets, go through everything that still fits, kinda fits, and definitely does NOT fit. Pulling out shoes, socks, sweaters, dresses, pants, capris, shorts, tank tops, hoodies...the list goes on and on. With multiple piles and little hands pulling out their "favorite" [insert article of clothing here] the job becomes intense, and damn near impossible.

Aside from our girls' closets I've decided to take on some spring cleaning projects of my own. Sure, my closet is in desperate need of a makeover (along with my shoe collection), but I'm thinking bigger. I'm looking at the entire picture.

After registering Elizabeth for preschool last week it occurred to me that I only have 1 more year with her at home. Beginning in August she will be in school Monday-Friday, from 8:30am-3 (or 4, or whenever I decide to pick her up). I'm going to dedicate the emotional details of this experience to it's own blog post...but in a nutshell, I had another "ah-ha" moment.

My moment of insight allowed me to see that I am ultimately in control of what happens in my life. Sure, our parents, teachers, and mentors have been telling us this for years. Heck, I've even told my slew of people this very same thing. But it's a lot easier to dish advice out to others than take it for yourself.

Far too often I find myself running around like a chicken with my head cut off. I'm either going in one direction or another, and I rarely stop to smell the roses. Not only with my kids, but just for me. With the summer right around the corner I want to be totally prepared to take my girls to the pool or spend a day with some friends. After all, this is why I started my own I could do things like this. At the end of my life I doubt the memories I have with my laptop will bring much joy to my heart.

I've decided to take the bull by the horns and do some personal spring cleaning. I've scheduled a personal workout routine, I've set office hours for myself (never thought that would happen!), and I am setting boundaries for myself. As a self proclaimed workaholic I have found that I'm my own worst enemy. So enough already. I'm done. Rubber gloves, Pledge and Windex won't hold a candle to this flame.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great plan!! What workout routine did you set up, I need one of those!
