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Friday, January 14, 2011

networking is a girl's best friend

Okay, okay, maybe not a girl's best friend, but definitely somewhere close. Especially when you're a girl in business for yourself. Here's the deal. Networking is just a fact of life. It doesn't really matter whether you're a corporate executive or a full time mother, this key "life skill" can significantly make your world a better place (think private preschool admissions and/or booking a coveted executive lunch meeting).

I was born a social butterfly, so networking comes naturally to me. I guess you could call me a networking butterfly. You never know who you will meet, and I choose to take advantage of my surroundings. Whether I'm at ballet class with my daughter or a guest speaker at an event, I make it a point to meet everyone I can. Every once in a while you'll come across another networking butterfly, and the connection will be instantaneous. Immediately the business cards or phone numbers will be exchanged, and before you know it you've got yourself another friend, colleague, whatever. I can usually spot these people out of a crowd because they're just like me- they are making a point to meet new people. These people will truly make a difference in your life.

My dear friend Kristin just happens to be someone I would consider a networking butterfly. This girl is on top of her game. She is bright, talented (not to mention absolutely gorgeous), but most of all Kristin is all about making connections with people. She has challenged me professionally, and has also connected me with people I may have never met. What I like most about Kristin is her ability to listen and really focus on what you have to say. Once in a while you come across someone who will make a difference in your life, and Kristin just happens to be one of those people.

I was inspired to post this blog about networking after I received a beautiful Christmas gift in the mail. Guess who it was from? Yep, Kristin. Immediately I wondered how many other gifts she had prepared with such detail. You see, Kristin's focus is always on others, and I know she is a tremendous blessing to so many people. My next thought was: how would my business (and life in general) be different had I never met this girl?

Obviously the answer to that is unknown. But there is one thing I know for sure...she has contributed significantly to my personal success this year, and I have been happy to return the favor. The funny thing is that our relationship was one that didn't happen in an instant. It took several games of phone tag, a full term pregnancy for me, and then another few months before we finally connected. But once we did the rest has been history.

So the moral of this story is to get out of that comfort zone and do your best to become a networking butterfly. You never know who could pop into your life. It just might be changed forever.

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