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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

taking back the house

The other night my husband and I watched an episode of "The Middle". I had never seen the show, but after five minutes I was hooked. This particular episode featured the parents and their struggle to regain control of their home from their kids. It was hilarious. Within the 30 minute time slot Corey and I agreed to follow suit.

Easier said than done. It appears that our kids have taken over. And to be perfectly honest I am shocked. Never in a million years did I think two tiny people could influence so much of our daily routine. After all, I have a Master's Degree in Elementary Education from the University of Florida. Surely these girls couldn't hold a candle to my flame. Well, I guess the joke was on me.

Having been snowed in these past few days I've been able to reflect on the reality of our situation. Our oldest daughter (age 3) is a genius manipulator who capitalizes on weakness. People say dogs can smell fear? Well the heck with dogs. I'm talking preschoolers and toddlers. These kids can smell fear, anxiety, stress, you name it, they will jump on it. You may as well put a target on your back if your phone rings. Forget it. You're toast. Baby #2 may as well be nicknamed The Hurricane, because she leaves a massive trail of destruction wherever she goes. I love them both more than anything in the world, but good grief. Enough is enough.

So the battle is on...we are committed to taking back the house, even if it means a hissy fit here, there or everywhere. I wanted to announce this challenge on my blog for a  two reasons. First, I would like to encourage those of you who are losing this battle to jump on board with me. And second, most importantly, I would love to hear from those of you who have successfully won this battle (please tell me you are out there...???)

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