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Friday, January 7, 2011

checks and balances

While designing my goal poster for 2011 I continued to have the same vision. Checks and balances. Not only for my business, but also for my personal and family life. From a business standpoint, I hate numbers. I am the farthest thing you will find from an accounting geek who can spend the day with a calculator and figure out projections for income, expenses, budgets, whatever. But I have had to come to grips with my discomfort for logistics and sit down and learn. Yes, that's right. I have had to learn. This is not to say that my feelings have changed, but my efforts certainly have (thank you to my accounting team!)

As for the rest of my world, well, the search for balance is a constant struggle. The majority of my friends are also small business owners, mothers, wives, etc. and I think for the most part we are all faced with the same challenge. What we need to realize (myself included) is that there is no such thing as the perfect balance. There will always be something to throw us off, whether it's a sick kid (or babysitter, for that matter), a company crisis, a hurricane, whatever. Obviously we can never be completely prepared for these things, so this is where flexibility comes in. I don't know about you, but at times I feel like Gumby, the super stretchy green toy from the '80s. The ability to bend and stretch where needed is also what makes us exceptional. We are exceptional business owners, mothers, wives, and friends. Yes, we are rock stars (minus the entourage and staff of assistants).

I came across this image the other day and it just made me laugh. I couldn't resist sharing it with the rest of the world- especially those of you who can relate!

Happy Friday everyone! May your balancing act today be a successful one!

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