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Sunday, January 2, 2011

the anti resolution

Enough with the nonsense. I'm just going to put this out there. I am completely against the whole new year resolution thing.

People just crack me up when they start proclaiming their plans to completely change their life with the beginning of this new year. Really? Give me a break. Okay, so you want to lose some weight. Fine. And perhaps you are finally going to give up texting and driving (good luck with that). Or maybe, just maybe, you are resolving to quit the diet thing and just eat healthier and make exercise a part of your daily routine (again, good luck with that).

I'm not trying to be a pessimist or anything, but let's be real. A new year's resolution just sets you up for failure. To nonchalantly announce that you will be debt free by next year is a resolution that is unsupported by a plan.

What I do believe in is goal setting, and planning for those goals. As a business owner I have experienced the difference between working with goals and working without goals. My dad has always taught me to make goals for myself, and most importantly, to put them in front of me. I can remember seeing pictures of the Caribbean and beautiful yachts on the walls of his office. Guess what? He lives in sunny south Florida and is the owner of a beautiful yacht.

My experience in Mary Kay has done the same. Hitch your wagon to a star, put your goals in front of you, and do the work. This last statement seems to be where people miss the boat. By setting a goal without taking other factors into consideration is again, setting you up for failure.  Your goals must match your activity level.

My challenge to you is this: Instead of just writing down a list of everything you want to do or change this year, think about what steps you are committed to taking to get there. A pink Cadillac on a goal poster isn't going to get you very far if you don't plan the work to back it up. Just like a picture of Giselle on your frig won't be much help if that frig is stocked with pizza and Coke. One of the greatest business tips I have learned is to plan your work and work your plan. This can be applicable to everything in life, no matter what your goals may be.

So go easy on your resolution list this year, and instead, map out a plan. And most importantly, set yourself up for success this year, not failure. Take into consideration the time you are willing to spend, the energy you are willing to put forth, and the rewards that will await you.

With that, I will leave you with one of my favorite questions...What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail?

Oh, and as far as the texting and driving thing? It's simple. Do us all a favor and put the damn phone down.


  1. :) Love this post Holiday!!! And you would be excited to know - I stopped texting while driving when Liam was born - seriously!! I have my 2011 plan :)

  2. Good for you, Pam! I think we would all be better off locking our phones in the trunk when we go somewhere! hahaa
