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Thursday, November 14, 2013

Me vs. the Rainbow Loom

It's amazing what a little peer pressure can do. Thankfully I have a first grader who is teaching me how to be cool all over again. First it was the need for a certain pair of shoes. Then it was pigtail braids "like Maddie" (easily solved after a quick text to her mom with detailed description and instructions). Next it was the Rainbow Loom. I should have known it was only going to get worse.

When Elizabeth came home begging for this particular item I had absolutely no clue what she was talking about. The only thing I could really make out of her babbling conversation was friendship bracelets...okay, I thought to myself...I get it. If the Rainbow Loom is what we need, then the Rainbow Loom is what we'll get. After all, you won't receive friendship bracelets unless you give friendship bracelets. Nostalgia kicked in as I remembered the days of summer camp, friendship bracelets and my desire to be cool.

The next day I went to Michael's on a mission. I was going to buy this Rainbow Loom and all of the necessary accessories for my daughter to make the coolest friendship bracelets ever. The minute I saw the giant display I realized this must be the cool thing. I could tell by the herd of mommies sorting through the shelves, chit chatting about rubber band colors, different styles, etc.

I had no clue what I needed to buy to make this bracelet thing happen, so I asked the salesperson for a translation. Here's what I got:

Her: The Rainbow Loom is a tool used to make bracelets from small rubber bands.

Me: Ohhhhhh, okay. I get it. So we loop these rubber bands on this loom thing and magically it all connects into a bracelet?

Her: Yes ma'am. But you may want to watch the YouTube tutorials...the instructions in the box aren't very good.

Me: YouTube? Really?

Her: Yes, really. The directions are awful and you'll never figure it out. Watch the tutorials on YouTube.

OKAY. At this point I should have known I was in over my head. Little did I know I was up s*#@'s creek without a paddle.

Elizabeth was excited to get started, so we got on YouTube. If you're a mom, chances are you know exactly what I'm about to say. The tutorial is basically some bootleg video with cute asian (I think?) kids, teaching us (clearly the ADULTS) how to make the "basic" bracelet.

I'm not too proud to say it- I had to pause, rewind, and restart the video several times. Of course by now Elizabeth has lost interest and relocated to the television while I slaved away like a kid in a sweat shop.

Fast forward 5 days...

I made far too many friendship bracelets than I care to admit, Elizabeth still didn't have a clue, and there were rubber bands EVERYWHERE. Even my vacuum agreed. The Rainbow Loom had to GO.

It's been tucked away nicely, somewhere really really high, where little fingers can't reach and where rubber bands can't escape. Surprisingly enough no one has missed it.

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