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Thursday, November 7, 2013

Afternoon quickie

Every now and then you just need one. All it takes is fifteen, twenty, or, if you're lucky, thirty minutes in bed and wham, bam, thank you ma''s a whole new me.

Get your heads out of the gutter, people. I'm not talking about that kind of quickie (although...never mind...I'm not gonna go there...) I'm talking about a good old fashioned power nap.

Isn't it amazing how a short little snooze can totally re-energize you? The other day I was working at my desk when the cement eyelids kicked in. You know the feeling, like when you're sitting in church and your head starts bobbing back and forth...and suddenly your entire body twitches and wakes you up...yeah, that was me. Rather than fight the inevitable snooze, I surrendered. A flash of guilt crossed my mind, but I got over it.

Thirty minutes later I was back at my desk, knocking out the to do list like it was my job (ummm, yeah I guess it kinda is). I was much more productive post nap than I would have been fighting cement eyelids/bobbing head syndrome for an hour.

So today, my friends, I challenge you to embrace your inner toddler and go for the power nap. You'll wake up refreshed, energized, and ready to tackle the rest of the day. If only our businesses were modeled after preschools, life might be much easier.

P.S. Welcome to my new and improved blog...take a look around and check back often...I'll be dishing on all sorts of fun stuff these next few months :)

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