For Elizabeth's first Christmas we visited Santa at Pike's Nursery. We had just finished some winter landscaping and noticed they had Santa scheduled for the following day. Turns out "Santa" was 19 years old, skinny as a rail, with a red suit and fake beard. I have the Polaroid to prove it. But hey, she was 9 months old and at the time it was just another task to cross off my to-do list. I know, I know, this screams mother of the year.
For her second Christmas I really earn a top nomination for mother of the year. I decided to skip the damn Santa thing altogether. The Pike's Santa had gone off to college (hahaha), and I sure as heck wasn't going to drag my almost two year-old to the mall and stand in line for an hour. Needless to say, she ended up visiting Santa with her babysitter instead, and of course cried bloody murder the second she sat on his lap. Not sure where this picture is, or if I even have one...again, where is my trophy?
Last year we welcomed our second daughter, Kennedy. I made the decision that with two little girls it was about time I step up to the Santa plate. I bought matching dresses, picked Grammy up from the airport, and we headed for the mall. Not the ideal Santa location, but definitely better than the Pike's frat boy. After waiting in line for 30 minutes Elizabeth became hysterical when it was her turn to sit on Santa's lap. But my saving grace here was Kennedy. She gladly let the big fella hold her, she chuckled for the camera, and sure enough, I bought the photo package. After all, I had to redeem myself after the Pike's Polaroid fiasco.
Fast forward to November 2010. The thought pops in my head- perhaps this will be the year where I get creative and take the girls for a real Santa experience. You know, a nice farm somewhere with *rein*deer, maybe even a "sleigh" ride (a.k.a. tractor), ending in a beautiful cabin where you are served hot cocoa, freshly bakes cookies, and a warm fire...and above all the most beautiful Santa you could ever imagine. Ahhhh, the sound of this just makes me smile. And then reality sets in.
I have two small children, a husband, a business to run, and a home to maintain (you know, if I don't go to the grocery store, we don't eat sort of thing...). Not to mention the month between Thanksgiving and Christmas was filled with a million other things and a trip to Disney World.
So guess what? I let it go. Yes, me, of all people, let this stress of creating a super amazing Santa experience GO. Aren't you proud of me?!?! I decided I wasn't going to let my panties get in a bunch over a silly trip to see Santa.
We packed up the girls this afternoon and headed to the mall. Yes, we waited in line for an hour. Yes, Kennedy freaked out a bit, and yes, we bought the not-so-great overpriced pictures. But you know what? For the first time Elizabeth sat on Santa's lap, mesmerized by his real beard, genuinely chubby belly, and beautiful royal suit. To her, this guy was the real deal. And as a mommy, well, that's good enough for me.
Elizabeth was absolutely amazed by Santa Claus...especially the fur trim on his suit.
Here they are, smiling for the overpriced pictures!
Kennedy joined in on the fun after Elizabeth had her special Santa time...
As you can see, the kid wasn't so sure about the big guy.
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