Yes, it's finally here...the season that most people I know either LOVE or HATE...the holiday season is in full swing. And today I finally caught the Christmas spirit. I don't know what happened, but all of a sudden it hit me like a truck. Perhaps it was the shopping spree I enjoyed this morning, picking out gifts for my girls and imagining their surprise on Christmas morning. Or maybe it was a combination of my latte, shopping endorphins, an outfit complete with amazing boots (yes, they are PERFECT!) and 98.5's all day holiday music marathon. Whatever it is, I know it's here.
I was beginning to worry- usually I get bit by the bug on Thanksgiving, but for some reason this year I just wasn't feelin' it. Putting up our decorations felt like a chore to me, and I even contemplated leaving everything in the basement except for the tree (after all, my kids are too young to notice that mommy left the giant wreath off the door). But I did it anyway, and tried to smile and push myself into the spirit we all know as holiday cheer.
As a kid I remember the month of December as the most magical month of the year. As a single adult I looked forward to the day when I would have a family of my own to celebrate and create new traditions with. As a newlywed Corey and I spent Christmas reflecting on our childhood memories and what we would recreate for our future children. Then Elizabeth was born and for the first 2 years she had no clue what was going on (although she loved to pick ornaments off the tree). Now she is almost 4 and I know this year will be her very first magical Christmas morning. She will remember waking up and coming downstairs to see what Santa has brought for her. These are the years I have been waiting for. It's go time.
The magic of that moment is so special for her, but also for me. I am going to soak up every second of this month. Because I know in a blink of an eye she will be the young adult I remember being not too long ago.
We will write out our list for Santa, bake him some cookies, and leave carrots for the reindeer. We will sing along with Raffi and belt out Christmas music for the next 23 days. We will sprinkle everything with red and green glitter. We will read the Polar Express and ring the bell for all to hear. We will share our blessings with others, and remember that Christmas is about giving, not receiving.
With that, I'm off to the basement. It's time to hang up the wreath.
Luv u, girl! Now come hang up my wreath.