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Monday, March 28, 2011


Hi, my name is Holiday and I'm a cardiganaholic. At the moment my trusty little spell check device is alarming me with red underlines, but I'm totally ignoring them. This wardrobe addiction has kind of snuck up on me, but thanks to a friends' intervention I can proudly say I'm on the road to recovery.

It all started last week. I was on a mission for a baby shower outfit and figured a quick stop into Ann Taylor would do the trick. Six hours later I found myself driving home with quite a collection of, you guessed it, cardigans. To make matters worse, I didn't even realize the redundancy of my purchases until I stopped at my girlfriend's house to show her the goods. And there they were. Spread on the back of her couch in all of their glory...five cardigans. FIVE. Just like the scale, this couch wasn't lying.

Perhaps you're thinking I bought five very different know, varied styles or fabrics, colors or what have you., not so much. My friend looked me dead in the eye and brought this to my attention. I bought 2 white cardigans, 2 blue cardigans (almost matching shades), and 1 gray cardigan (this one had ruffles and short sleeves...but still must be acknowledged as I clearly have a problem).

When I got home I immediately stormed my closet. It was true. There really was no denying this. I am addicted to cardigans. Blue, white and black. They were everywhere. I looked down at my shopping bags and realized there would never be a good time to quit cardigan-ing. The time was now. It was hard but I did it. I chose my favorites and left the rest in the bag.

Without a second thought I added Banana Republic to my list of things to do this week. I'm sure there's another cardiganaholic out there who will appreciate my returns.

Friday, March 25, 2011

s'more, please

Last night I had a cupcake. And not just any cupcake...a pretty amazing one. This may come as a surprise to some of you, considering my recent break up with carbs and all. But I decided the cold turkey route wasn't all it's cracked up to be, so carbs and I are enjoying a nice moderation.

So let me just tell you about this cupcake. First of all, I had four or five flavors to choose from, but this one was screaming my name. After all, how can you possibly resist a chocolate bundle of heaven, complete with Hershey bar and graham cracker on top? Oh, and don't forget the dollop of marshmallow on top.
Oh. My. God.

The Junior League of Cobb Marietta has been lucky enough to snag one of our local celebrity chefs, Mamie Doyle. Her cupcake parlor is located on the Marietta Square, and let's just say she is fabulous! Not only is she cute as a button, but her shoppe is beautiful, charming, and best of all, adorned with delicious cupcakes from top to bottom. I just can't get enough of this place, and if you haven't stopped by you are seriously missing out. Here is a picture of Miss Mamie's S'more Cupcake, courtesy of her website...

Hey, everything is okay in moderation, right? I'll take s'more please!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

spring cleaning

It's that time can see it everywhere you look (and no, I'm not referring to pollen, although I might as well be!) It's the annual spring cleaning event...are you prepared with your Rubbermaid bins?

Like most people with children, this is the time of year we clean out the closets, go through everything that still fits, kinda fits, and definitely does NOT fit. Pulling out shoes, socks, sweaters, dresses, pants, capris, shorts, tank tops, hoodies...the list goes on and on. With multiple piles and little hands pulling out their "favorite" [insert article of clothing here] the job becomes intense, and damn near impossible.

Aside from our girls' closets I've decided to take on some spring cleaning projects of my own. Sure, my closet is in desperate need of a makeover (along with my shoe collection), but I'm thinking bigger. I'm looking at the entire picture.

After registering Elizabeth for preschool last week it occurred to me that I only have 1 more year with her at home. Beginning in August she will be in school Monday-Friday, from 8:30am-3 (or 4, or whenever I decide to pick her up). I'm going to dedicate the emotional details of this experience to it's own blog post...but in a nutshell, I had another "ah-ha" moment.

My moment of insight allowed me to see that I am ultimately in control of what happens in my life. Sure, our parents, teachers, and mentors have been telling us this for years. Heck, I've even told my slew of people this very same thing. But it's a lot easier to dish advice out to others than take it for yourself.

Far too often I find myself running around like a chicken with my head cut off. I'm either going in one direction or another, and I rarely stop to smell the roses. Not only with my kids, but just for me. With the summer right around the corner I want to be totally prepared to take my girls to the pool or spend a day with some friends. After all, this is why I started my own I could do things like this. At the end of my life I doubt the memories I have with my laptop will bring much joy to my heart.

I've decided to take the bull by the horns and do some personal spring cleaning. I've scheduled a personal workout routine, I've set office hours for myself (never thought that would happen!), and I am setting boundaries for myself. As a self proclaimed workaholic I have found that I'm my own worst enemy. So enough already. I'm done. Rubber gloves, Pledge and Windex won't hold a candle to this flame.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

a shrink...without the bill

Wow. It's been almost two weeks since my last post and to be perfectly honest this is the last thing I should be doing right now. My to do list is a mile long, and my blog is certainly not an income producing activity. But this morning I just don't care. I've bumped my blog up to #1 today...not for anyone else, but for me.

My friend Kristy published a post yesterday on how her blog is like therapy for her. I totally agree, and seeing how I don't have time to see a shrink I figured the least I could do was take a small chunk of my day and do something for myself. So here it is. If I were sitting on a couch with a small water fountain trickling,  relaxing spa music in the background, and 50 minutes to kill, this is what I would have to say.

My breakup with Carbs (we'll call him Carb) was a pretty painful month, and although I managed to shed 8 pounds I decided it just wasn't worth the madness. I was dreaming about cupcakes, and for some reason that just doesn't seem normal. Needless to say I have slowly integrated a healthy relationship with my long lost pal Carb, and so far so good. I even lost another 2 pounds. Can't complain.

Our girls are doing well, and we are so tremendously thankful for good news regarding our baby Kennedy. Turns out she can hear just fine...she's just stubborn as an ox and hard headed. I have no idea where she gets this personality trait from, but frankly, I'm impressed : )

As for Elizabeth...her birthday is just around the corner and I really can't believe it. The last 4 years have flown by, and yes, I know...they only get faster as we get older. I am doing my best to cherish every moment with her. On Sunday I took her out for ice cream and we had a blast. Just sitting in the booth together, talking and giggling about silly things- I had one of those "ah ha" moments. You know, the kind when you just want everything around you to stop so you can stay like this forever? I love it when that happens.

Shortly thereafter I realized there are probably more moments like that available to me throughout the day, but I'm too busy to notice them. Either I'm on the phone, on my computer, folding laundry, cooking dinner, whatever it is. It seems there's always SOMETHING. All of those SOMETHINGS actually mean NOTHING- so I am really going to try to focus on my kids when we are together. Even if that means sending people to voice mail or not responding immediately to email. My family is worth that, and much more.

On a spiritual note, we participated in a child dedication service yesterday at our church, dedicating both of our daughters to Christ. As parents we have vowed to teach our children about the Bible and raise them in a Christian home. I feel like this is the best gift we could give them- a strong, unwavering faith to guide them as they grow. We are praying as a family for several friends and family members right now, and God has been working miracles.

Speaking of miracles, my dear friend Jennifer and her husband Jimmy have been fighting for their sweet baby girl...they received wonderful news yesterday from the cardiologist and from what it looks like everything is going to be just fine. I can't wait to meet this baby girl when she's born- she is a fighter and her parents are true warriors for Christ.

Overall life is good. I make it my goal to rejoice in daily victories, and this post is my first one of the day- whoohoo! Now it's on to everything else...let the day begin.