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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

what do you mean, disconnect?

During my recent trip to Florida I tried my best to "disconnect." The attempt was an honest and legitimate one, but it turned out to be just attempt. Although it sounds good in theory, disconnecting in my world right now causes more stress than the act of checking my email or responding to a text message. Sure, lounging on a beach chair browsing through a magazine is relaxing and all, but then reality hits. 15 missed calls, 27 text messages and 4 voice mails later, my blood pressure hits the roof. I can't help but think that this sudden rise in blood pressure has canceled out the so called hour of relaxation by the pool. This leads me to my conclusion...the whole "disconnect" theory is really a scam to make me crazy.

Perhaps it's because I own my own business that I can't seem to allow a day to go by without checking in on things. But who's to say that's a bad thing? To me it's just good business. This is what makes my company better than the others out there. I'm convinced of it.

My mother seems to think it's "an epidemic among you kids"...where we just can't turn off our phones and live like normal people. Yes, mom, I realize that when you were young cell phones and computers didn't exist. I get it. But it's 2010, so let's embrace our gadgets and make the most of them.

Like anything in life it's important to find a healthy balance. But if balance were easy then everyone would have it, right? As for me, well I'm going to start with baby steps. I am committed to turning my iPhone OFF at 9 p.m. every night. This doesn't mean "silent", this means OFF. Because "silent" just makes it that much easier to check in during my trip to the freezer for ice cream.

Wish me luck.


  1. Love that you have a blog! I have one too but don't post it to FB or anything (try to keep it separate since it started based on my divorce) -

    I agree: re balance. It is a tough one, but I find I am in a much better place when I have balance in my life. Must be the Libra in us! :)

  2. Yes, Jolene, you are totally right...gotta love a Libra! Will definitely check out your blog :)
