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Thursday, June 20, 2013

usernames, passwords, failed logins, oh my!

It's been over a year since my last blog post, and while I've had several life changes I can't blame my MIA status on anything other than a simple 7 digit code....yes folks, that would be my password.

Seeing how everything these days requires a log in, username, and password, it's nearly impossible to keep everything straight. Security measures encourage you to change them regularly, but holy cow, my brain can only keep track of so much. I think I even managed to stump Google a few times with multiple failed attempts and password resets.

Now that I've successfully hacked into my own blog I'm excited to announce my return to the blogosphere. Yippee! (Don't freak out, I am not a hacker. I owe my blog return to the tiny hot pink post it note stuck to the bottom of my desk drawer...complete with my login info. Phew!)

While I would like to avoid a cheesy paragraph, I feel it necessary to send a shout out of thanks to everyone who read my blog consistently, and most of all for your support and encouragement over the past year. Your kind and loving words, comments, emails, {and hugs} have not gone unnoticed. Please know they helped me smile when all I wanted to do was cry.

Enough of that. Let's get to the good stuff. Life is good. No regrets.

The Holiday blog is back : )

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