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Thursday, June 27, 2013

life lessons from the itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow polka dot bikinis

My girls are the sunshine of my life, and this picture perfectly captures the essence of our family dynamic. As sisters, they want to be just alike, but what amazes me is how different they really are. Here you can see the little one, chasing after her hero...longing to be just like her sissy...complete with ponytail and yellow bikini.

What I love most about this is their ability to let go and be free...even in teenie weenie bikinis. When I think back to my childhood days some of my fondest memories involve building sandcastles and playing with my sister. As a mother it has come full circle, especially as I watch my girls grow, learn, admire, and most of all, love each other.

Children learn many lessons from their parents, but sometimes we miss the lessons they are teaching us. Today I embrace the lesson of being carefree, taking time to play in the sand, and admiring my little sister.