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Monday, July 25, 2011

The Pink Bubble

I've been floating around in a pink bubble for the past week, and it's been absolutely divine. Every July Mary Kay hosts their annual Seminar Conference in Dallas, Texas. I've been lucky enough to attend this event for several years, and it just keeps getting better.

Although I am not "in Mary Kay", I do own a company that provides services for Mary Kay Sales Directors (ya know...those Pink Cadillac driving beauties!). My friend Dacia happens to be among the elite, ranking as a top tiered National Sales Director (#5 in Emerald Division to be exact...AMAZING!) She is the epitome of a Mary Kay Rock Star. What I love most about this girl is her ability to motivate and inspire others, and in turn these women continue to pass it on.

Seminar is a time where everyone comes together for motivation, inspiration, and best of all, recognition (hello, DIAMONDS!) Being able to celebrate my clients, cheer them on, and spend a little quality time with friends is just what I needed. Besides, it was the perfect excuse to throw on a little more lipstick than usual, bling out with some sparkles, and wear a killer black dress (or two). What more could a girl possibly ask for?

It's Monday morning and although my to-do list is a mile long I know one thing for sure...I'm gonna bask in the haze of the pink bubble for as long as I can. I think these girls are on to something.

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